
Nutrition archive

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Protein Science Updated: Why It’s Time to Move Beyond the “1.6-2.2g/kg” Rule

The recommendation that lifters should aim to consume “1.6-2.2g/kg” of protein is almost universally taken to be an unquestionable truth. You probably don’t need to exceed 1.6g/kg in the first place, and if you do exceed 2.2g/kg, you’ll definitely just waste the extra protein you consume – it certainly won’t contribute to further muscle growth. However, a closer look at the meta-analysis that generated this recommendation suggests that we probably shouldn’t have been quite so confident that protein intakes within this range will maximize muscle growth. When you dive deep into the protein research, it looks like slightly higher intakes may be necessary to max out your gains.

When Should I Consider Taking a New Supplement?

When Should You Consider Taking a New Supplement?

While most new supplements released to the market don’t pan out as effective, some do. So, if preliminary data supports the potential efficacy of a new supplement, why not try it out? The only potential downside of trying a new supplement is wasted money, right? Not so fast.

The Pros and Cons of Caffeine

Caffeine can give a boost of energy and acutely improve performance, but concerns about potential downsides (such as sleep disruption or heart issues) are common. This article discusses both the pros and the cons of caffeine consumption.

How Much Dietary Fat Do We Really Need?

There’s no question that we need dietary fat. However, when it comes to exactly how much we need, definitive answers are hard to find. This short article aims to provide some evidence-based insights on minimum fat requirements.

Beyond the Headlines: Aspartame and Cancer Risk

You’ve probably seen the headlines; the International Agency for Research on Cancer recently made waves by declaring aspartame a “possible carcinogen.” Let’s get to the bottom of what this really means.

Don’t Close the Door on Creatine Yet

A recent meta-analysis suggested that creatine only has a “trivial-to-small” effect on muscle growth. However, that language might understate the actual impact of creatine.

Crash Dieting is Still a Bad Idea

A recent study indicates that jumping right into a severe energy deficit was just as effective as a progressive stepwise energy deficit for body composition. So are they equivalent? Well, no. A larger net energy deficit should mean greater fat mass loss, but that’s not what happened.

Optimizing Bulking Diets To Facilitate Hypertrophy

Weight loss is a common goal for people who wish to improve their health, compete in a physique sport, or make weight for a strength sport with weight classes. However, weight gain is an equally valid and important diet goal, and should be approached just as strategically. This article discusses how to construct an optimized bulking diet.

Diet Tracking and Disordered Eating: Which Comes First?

A common concern is that quantitatively tracking dietary intake may give rise to disordered eating. A new randomized controlled trial casts doubt on this idea, fueling optimism for people who want to more actively manage their diet without unintended consequences.

Calories and Weight: From the Lab to the Real World

Although calories and mass are intrinsically linked, we’ve all experienced changes in weight that don’t match what we expected based on changes in diet and exercise. This article examines those situations to help clear up the confusion.

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