2-book bundle for $32
Take control of your
training and nutrition.
The Art & Science of Lifting ebooks give you a proven framework to design your own programs and think about training like an expert.

Learn to design and adjust training and nutrition programs based on scientific principles.
Develop a mental framework for understanding training and nutrition concepts.
Learn to critically read fitness information and start thinking like an expert.
What readers are saying
"In an ocean of countless fitness e-books,
The Art and Science of Lifting nailed it."
For the first time ever, I feel like I could be confident in creating my own programs and analyzing their effectiveness.
Rich Toscano
These books cover everything from physical to psychological and tie the two together to give you everything you need to take out the guess work and make progress as a beginner to an advanced lifter.
Adam Sayih
There's a powerful combination of common sense, readability and training science in there.
Geoff Girvitz
The Art and Science of lifting took my knowledge to a whole new level. Greg and Omar cut through the fluff and show you exactly what matters and where you should focus your efforts.
Tim Ross
Build a solid base for long-lasting gains
so you can stop wasting time and money.
so you can stop wasting time and money.
WE WANT PEOPLE TO BE REALLY FREAKING SMART. Most fitness or strength-related questions are most honestly answered with the phrase, “It depends.” There are very few things that are universally right or wrong, but people are still looking for spoonfed answers and cookie-cutter solutions. Unfortunately, that’s not going to get you very far.
In these two books, we want to equip you with the tools to start thinking about training the way an expert lifter or an experienced coach would. There aren’t going to be many pre-packaged answers or, say, a training routine you can implement directly. Rather, they provide you with an all-in-one handbook for navigating the minefield of online fitness information.
These books represent the cumulative knowledge gained from over a decade under the bar, the frustrations of a 5-year plateau, hundreds of classroom hours, working with hundreds of clients, and countless conversations with other lifters and coaches.
I've put in the time, the effort, and the energy to learn all the lessons contained in these books (often, unfortunately, learning those lessons the hard way).
The Art and Science of Lifting represent the culmination of that journey, and the knowledge I've accumulated along the way.
These books are designed to equip you with the information you need to succeed long-term.
There are literally hundreds of books laying out someone’s specific training program or diet. That wasn’t the purpose here. The goal was to give you the lay of the land so you’d be better equipped to evaluate books like that, articles, videos, or other resources you come across in the future.
It’s like the old saying, “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” Most ebooks give you a fish. The Art and Science of Lifting teach you how to fish; they provide you with the foundational, timeless information that is always relevant and that will benefit you for the next 30 years, not just the next 12 weeks like a training plan.
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$47 $32 for 2 books
What's inside: 200+ pages, 50+ infographics
Each book is about 100 pages long.
The Art of Lifting is very easy to understand, and serves as an introduction to all of the important concepts a lifter needs to worry about.
The Science of Lifting is a lot more in-depth and takes you through how to understand training holistically – how to set up your training and diet, how and when to make adjustments, how all of those factors interact with your life outside the gym, and much more. To put it mildly, it’s very dense.
However, the books also accommodate different learning styles. I'm a visual learner, so I made sure all of the key points were also illustrated in 50+ beautiful infographics.
The Art of Lifting
108 pages. 22 explanatory graphics. Broken up into two parts: Stuff That Matters, and Stuff That Doesn't Matter.
Keys you in on the factors that really matter and make the most difference in your training progress.
Helps you avoid common traps and pitfalls that happen when you focus efforts on the wrong things.
Accessible and beneficial to people of all knowledge levels.
The Science of Lifting
98 pages. 35 explanatory graphics.
- Deepen your knowledge base built from reading The Art of Lifting.
- Learn how to apply model-based thinking in order to reason through issues like an expert instead of looking for black-and-white, cookie cutter solutions.
- Become self-sufficient as an athlete. Stop guessing about what might works, and start knowing and being confident in your next step.
What industry experts are saying
Omar and Greg have assembled a comprehensive guide to lifting that provides an excellent blend of science and practical application. Written in an easy-to-understand style, it serves as a blueprint for improving muscle strength and size. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced lifter, this two-book set is a valuable addition to your fitness library.
Brad Schoenfeld Ph.D, CSCS, FNSCA
The days of thoughtless training are gone. What the “big guys do” is important, but no longer the only source of advice on how to get bigger, stronger, and leaner… Especially if you’re limited on the amount of time you can invest in the process. The fruits of science are a great guide, but there’s so much to know! If only there was a source of science-based information on what to best put your efforts into to get the best results limited time allows. “The Art of Lifting” and “The Science of Lifting” do just that. Science-based, practical information on what matters most, what matters least, and what doesn’t matter at all for results in fitness. If you’ve been a bit lost on the seemingly contradictory advice coming in from all sides of the fitness industry, very soon you won’t be. This book is for you.
Mike Israetel Ph.D
About the authors
About Greg Nuckols
Greg Nuckols is the owner and founder of StrongerByScience.com, a website dedicated to combining lifting advice with biomechanics and scientific theory. He has his M.A. in exercise physiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his B.S. in exercise and sports science. Greg has held three all-time world records in powerlifting in the 220lb and 242lb classes and coached hundreds of athletes and written for many of the major magazines and websites in the industry. He's worked with and learned from record holders, champion athletes, and collegiate and professional strength and conditioning coaches through previous job as Chief Content Director for Juggernaut Training Systems and current full-time work on StrongerByScience.com.
About Omar Isuf
Omar Isuf is the owner of the most popular fitness YouTube channel in Canada. As such, Omar interacts with hundreds of viewers every day, answering questions and using feedback to create content that's both informative and accessible. Omar understands what lifters need to know and what information is easily misconstrued. He has collaborated with the best in the industry on various video projects and dispelled myths about nutrition, hypertrophy, strength, and movement. Omar's best lifts are a 500lb. squat, 350lb. bench, and 585lb. deadlift.
What industry experts are saying
When the time machine is invented, I will send my 19 year-old self “The Art of Lifting” along with a note, “Andy, this is legit. Stop looking elsewhere.” It will save me ~5 years of wasted efforts moving forward trying to filter out what works and what doesn’t. I’d then dial the time machine forward 6 months and send myself the second book, “The Science of Lifting.” This is the best book I have read on training. Period. I can see it being useful for many, many trainees in helping them conceptualize things to answer their own questions, as well as providing simple and understandable models for coaches to use in explaining things to their athletes. I’ll then use that time machine to go back in time and buy Apple stock, hug my mum a little more as a kid, and tell myself where the cops hid their speed trap on the Dragon Skyline road. Gains come first though, obviously. It will be a pleasure to recommend this to my readers. There are so many cases where as a popular fitness writer people come to your site and ask questions where you have to answer, “It depends,” (or launch into lengthy paragraphs) and I can now point them to this resource. Very well done indeed. I believe that Greg has (and is) raising the bar in the fitness writing industry. This is the best.
Andy Morgan Diet Coach, Rippedbody.jp
“The Art of Lifting” and “The Science of Lifting” are to put it simply, epic. Applicable to everyone at almost any level and in every way. I’ve learned a lot and am enthusiastically going to refer a lot of people to these resources when they come to me asking about lifting. Highly recommended.
Brett Gibbs Best drug-free 83kg lifter in the world
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$47 $32 for 2 books
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