
Announcements archive

Stronger By Science publishes articles on topics like lifting technique (squatbench, and deadlift), body composition and hypertrophyprogrammingnutritionprehab and rehab, and cardio.

Don’t know where to start? Check out our Complete Strength Training Guide or the How to SquatHow to Bench, and How to Deadlift guides.

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The Future of Stronger By Science

The past year has been a strange year at Stronger By Science. In this note, we want to let you know how we got here, what’s going on, and what we’re thinking as we look toward the future.

Periodization Preview

Want an easy overview of all the studies ever conducted on periodization? Look no further!

Welcome to Stronger By Science

You may have noticed in the past few days that the name of this site has changed.  Strengtheory is now Stronger By Science. Yes, sadly Strengtheory has bitten the dust.  It was a good run, but the name ended up being less clever and more annoying than I’d bargained for. Long story short, it was a pun based on my own terrible, Southern pronunciation of “strength.”  I’ve always pronounced it like string-th, and just never realized

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