Here, we’ve compiled all of the nutrition and body composition topics discussed and questions answered on the podcast along with time-stamped links so you can quickly jump around and find the content you’re most interested in.
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All nutrition and body composition questions
- Contest or Meet Preparation
- Research Review: Physique science and peak week
- Defining “peaking” in physique sport
- History of bodybuilding/physique research
- How common is “peaking?”
- Observational research on “peaking”
- Experimental research on carbohydrate loading
- Quasi-experimental research on carbohydrate loading
- Research on intracellular and extracellular fluid shifts
- Practical peaking strategies
- Future directions for bodybuilding and physique research
- Eric has mentioned a couple times that he’s gotten down to 1500 calories during prep. Other than copious amounts of shredded chicken, what would the most nutritionally-complete 1500 calorie meal plan look like?
- What’s the best way to cut weight for powerlifting, in terms of performance?
- What are some different strategies for making weight for strength sports?
- How do you decide when to bump up or down a weight class?
- Is there a big focus on nutrition among higher-level strongman competitors? Are there any specific diets that are currently popular or trending?
- What is Eric Helms’ approach to prepping for bodybuilding competitions?
- When you get late into a weight loss phase, do you cut down training volume or intensity?
- Is Eric Helms doing anything to proactively address reductions in non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) during contest prep?
- Cutting
- Benefits of exercise for fat loss
- Why exercise causes less fat loss than you’d expect
- Should I use non-linear dieting strategies?
- How important is it to maintain most of your muscle on a cut?
- Popular weight loss advice that may do more harm than good
- Q&A: How to retain muscle while cutting
- If you intend to lose a lot of weight, should you break the cut into 12-week increments with some maintenance periods in between, or lose it all in one continuous cut?
- Coach’s Corner: Troubleshooting weight loss plateaus
- How has Greg’s weight loss impacted his strength?
- Can Greg elaborate on his hypothesis that strength loss during weight loss may be due to upper body glycogen loss? How long does it take to restore glycogen once you go back to maintenance?
- What’s your take on short bulk/cut cycles?
- Should athletes focused on cutting weight in a caloric deficit be worried about micronutrient deficiency?
- If strength/size gains come back relatively quickly after a cut, is there any benefit to cutting at a less conservative pace in order to spend a higher percentage of the year in a lean bulking phase?
- Can cold exposure be used as a fat loss strategy?
- When experiencing strength loss while cutting, how can you tell if the loss in strength is a natural part of being in a caloric deficit, or a result of overreaching?
- Coach’s Corner – Programming your training during weight loss
- Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) and weight loss/weight regain (With James Krieger)
- Research Roundup – Weight loss success is highly, highly individual
- There has been a lot of discussion about bulking on recent shows. I would be interested in hearing about practical recommendations regarding the frequency of bulking and cutting. How often is common? Is there a ceiling where it’s no longer effective, or even harmful, over a given time period?
- What is your opinion on mini cuts during an extended gaining phase? How long a mini cut should be, how aggressive should the caloric deficit be, and what should be training like?
- What are the repercussions of rapid fat loss? How can you achieve rapid fat loss while minimizing the repercussions as much as possible?
- If you’re trying to lose fat but maintain performance, what is the “optimal” rate of weight loss?
- What should you do after a weight loss goal is achieved?
- Bulking
- Do you need to do a maintenance period after a bulk to effectively retain the newly added muscle mass?
- What’s your take on short bulk/cut cycles?
- Is there a simple way to judge if I’m gaining too much fat during a bulk?
- Do you think it would be beneficial to implement “diet breaks” while bulking?
- Do “hardgainers” benefit from exceeding one gram of protein per pound of body weight? Do you see much in the literature about “hardgainers” who are female?
- What is your opinion on mass gainers?
- There has been a lot of discussion about bulking on recent shows. I would be interested in hearing about practical recommendations regarding the frequency of bulking and cutting. How often is common? Is there a ceiling where it’s no longer effective, or even harmful, over a given time period?
- When bulking, what are the pros and cons of utilizing a rapid rate of weight gain?
- When bulking, should you continuously re-calculate your maintenance calorie requirements as you go?
- Fasting
- How much does fasted training impair performance? How much does this actually matter for goals related to health and body composition (rather than performance goals)?
- How your Myers-Briggs score dictates your intermittent fasting protocol.
- Are there any merits to this study ( Are its conclusions accurate?
- Are there benefits of fasted cardio for performance?
- Is fasting more effective than normal calorie restriction when it comes to retaining muscle mass whilst losing body fat?
- What is the history of intermittent fasting in the fitness industry?
- What has the research taught us about intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding?
- What are the potential mechanisms by which time-restricted feeding could be superior?
- Is it ever beneficial to lift weights in a fasted state?
- I train very early in the morning and drink a protein shake prior to training. Anything else you recommend to do or eat before working out in a fasted state?
- Energy Expenditure
- Exercise energy compensation and the constrained total energy expenditure model
- Factors impacting energy compensation
- What’s the actual energy cost of exercise?
- Once you set an initial daily calorie target based on your estimated total daily energy expenditure, how do you adjust your diet from there?
- Issues with wearables for estimating energy expenditure
- Issues with common TDEE estimation equations
- A Heuristic For Estimating Energy Expenditure During Resistance Training
- Research Review: Energy balance influences compensation for calories burned during exercise
- Research Review: Age, sex, and energy expenditure
- Coach’s Corner: Estimating total daily energy expenditure
- Research Review: Constrained energy model, hot dogs & lifespan.
- Energy compensation and energy constraint model (Pontzer study)
- Metabolic Adaptation
- How worried should I be about metabolic adaptation?
- A Heuristic For Estimating Energy Expenditure During Resistance Training
- Research Review: Energy balance influences compensation for calories burned during exercise
- Contextualized Clarifications: Reverse Dieting
- Research Review: Age, sex, and energy expenditure
- Coach’s Corner: Estimating total daily energy expenditure
- Research Review: Constrained energy model, hot dogs & lifespan.
- Energy compensation and energy constraint model (Pontzer study)
- Can surplus calories eventually become maintenance calories?
- Research Review: Recovering from a diet or relative energy deficiency
- Research Roundup – Metabolic adaptation
- The First Bodybuilding Refeed Research (with Eric Helms)
- Metabolic adaptation is an illusion, only present when participants are in negative energy balance
- Can you cover the (in)accuracy of online RMR calculators?
- How long does it take to metabolically recover from long-duration diets?
- What are the best strategies to reverse the effects of metabolic adaptation from a fat loss phase, while minimizing fat gain?
- In regards to re-feeds and/or diet breaks, from what I understand at least 2 consecutive days of re-feeding is needed to have any impact on the metabolic adaptations of a prolonged calorie deficit (3 days is probably better). That being said, how much of an effect does it really have, and is the cost to benefit ratio really worth it?
- Is starvation mode a real thing?
- Protein
- How much protein do you actually need for muscle growth?
- Protein quality: What is it, what affects it, and how much does it matter?
- Is a high-protein meal before bed worth the potential boost for muscle protein synthesis if it causes sleep disruption?
- You’re planning for three meals per day, but already hit your protein target within the first two meals. How much protein should you eat in your third meal?
- What happens if you massively undereat protein?
- How do protein requirements scale for people of differing body size and body composition?
- Research Roundup: Protein digestion speed
- Are short-term measures of muscle protein synthesis predictive of longitudinal muscle hypertrophy? As long as total protein and calorie intake are matched, is there a significant difference between eating two meals per day versus eating every 3-4 hours?
- Q&A: How much should I stress over a pre-bed protein feeding?
- When tracking macros, how should we account for low-quality proteins like collagen?
- Age-related protein considerations
- Any concerns regarding upper limits for soy intake?
- What’s the lowest protein intake someone could eat while still building an appreciable amount of muscle?
- Why don’t MPS results match up with hypertrophy results?
- How does MPS caused by protein consumption compare to the magnitude of MPS caused by resistance training?
- You’ve already met your calorie intake target for the day, but you haven’t reached your protein target yet. Should you eat more protein and go over your calorie target?
- Research Review: Plant proteins revisited
- Research Roundup – Protein
- Research Roundup – Optimal Protein Intake
- Research Review: High-protein diets and kidney function
- What is the optimal speed for consumption of a protein bolus?
- Is there a link between high-protein diets and kidney stones?
- Two protein questions. 1) There are huge discrepancies with protein recommendations. Some organizations recommend as low as 0.36g per pound, but some bodybuilders eat 400-500g per day. Where is the sweet spot, and is it possible to over-do it? 2) For my total daily protein intake, should I only count proteins from animal and dairy sources, since they are considered “high-quality” or “complete” proteins?
- Research Roundup – Differential Responses of Blood Essential Amino Acid Levels Following Ingestion of High-Quality Plant-Based Protein Blends Compared to Whey Protein-A Double-Blind Randomized, Cross-Over, Clinical Trial.
- How does my pre-workout meal look? 2 scoops of whey, 10g of dextrose, 30-45 minutes before working out. Also, would there be any benefit of a post-workout shake?
- Research Roundup – Effects of Dietary Protein Quantity on Bone Quantity following Weight Loss: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- High Compared with Moderate Protein Intake Reduces Adaptive Thermogenesis and Induces a Negative Energy Balance during Long-term Weight-Loss Maintenance in Participants with Prediabetes in the Postobese State: A PREVIEW Study.
- Are there any downsides associated with high protein diets? Is the “one gram per pound of body weight” rule good?
- Research Roundup – Castro et al: Comparative Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Concentrated, Hydrolyzed, and Isolated Whey Protein Supplementation on Body Composition of Physical Activity Practitioners
- Is there any benefit to a “personalized” protein supplement blend, or is it just an excuse to increase the price?
- Considering the result of this 2014 study, would you see similar long-term results from eating a normal amount of a whole protein source, or a smaller protein dose that is supplemented with extra leucine?
- What does the research say about protein and overfeeding?
- Research suggests there is a refractory period for muscle protein synthesis following protein ingestion. Will eating a snack with protein between meals disrupt protein synthesis?
- Keto
- Keto for hypertrophy
- How do you define a ketogenic diet?
- What are the potential benefits of adopting a ketogenic diet?
- For a ketogenic diet, how low do carbs need to be? Does it vary from person to person?
- Does high protein intake kick you out of ketosis?
- How do you know if you’re in ketosis or not?
- Do you really need to have high fat intake, or is carb restriction sufficient?
- How good or bad is the adherence rate in keto diet studies?
- What are the potential drawbacks of a ketogenic diet? What micronutrients might be missing?
- Do ketogenic diets have negative effects on cholesterol/blood lipids or hair loss?
- Is it possible to predict who will respond relatively well (or poorly) to a ketogenic diet?
- What are the effects of keto on fat loss, muscle gain, and muscle retention?
- What are the effects of keto on physical performance?
- Is keto potentially helpful for any conditions other than certain types of epilepsy?
- Are there any applications for ketone supplements?
- Who is keto good for?
- Gut Health
- What exactly is “gut health”? (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
- Are “enterotypes” legit? (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
- Fiber (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
- Meat (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
- Artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
- Fermentable foods (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
- Prebiotics and probiotics (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
- Antibiotics (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
- Fecal transplants (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
- General Nutrition Questions
- History of RDAs and Government Micronutrient Recommendations
- Understanding Micronutrient Targets and the DRI Framework
- How EARs, RDAs, and LTIs are Determined
- The relative imprecision of micronutrient tracking (and WHY micronutrient content can differ so much within a single food)
- Why it can be challenging to track your micronutrient intake in the first place
- What are essential nutrients in the first place? What does it mean to call a nutrient essential?
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Essential Fatty Acids
- Essential Amino Acids
- Choline
- Fiber
- Water
- History of artificial sweeteners preceding aspartame
- The very sketchy approval process for aspartame and subsequent media coverage
- Breaking down the World Health Organization’s decision to classify aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic”
- The fallout from the WHO’s classification of aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic”
- Does diet tracking “work?”
- What are the major challenges that threaten the effectiveness of diet tracking or calorie counting?
- How to make diet tracking as effective and enjoyable as possible
- The relationship between diet tracking or calorie counting and eating disorders
- Mindful eating
- Mindful eating versus intuitive eating
- How is mindful eating actually implemented?
- Is mindful eating a weight loss strategy?
- Psychology-related applications of mindful eating
- Can mindful eating and macro tracking co-exist?
- Healthy diet indicator criteria
- Low-fat diet
- Ornish diet
- Vegetarian/vegan diet
- Raw vegan diet
- Cleanses and Detoxes
- Single-food diets
- Time-restricted feeding (includes breakfast skipping literature, IMO)
- Intermittent fasting (alternate-day fasting, 5:2 diet, etc)
- Long fasting periods for health benefits
- Mediterranean diet
- Seed oils and vegetable oils
- DASH diet
- Plant-based diets
- Healthy diet indicator criteria
- Low-carb diets
- The Zone diet
- The South Beach diet
- Glycemic index
- Continuous glucose monitors
- Gluten-free diets
- “Eating clean”
- Ketogenic diets
- The Atkins diet
- The Paleo diet
- The carnivore diet
- How do I set and adjust calorie targets?
- Is “recomping” possible?
- How do I set and adjust macro targets?
- Should I do a reverse diet?
- Should I use non-linear dieting strategies?
- Eric mentioned on a recent podcast that he’s now fully vegan. Aside from avoiding animal products, I’m curious about any changes he has made or differences he has noticed related to training and nutrition.
- Any issue in approaching one’s minimum dietary fat target as a weekly average target instead of daily target?
- What is the healthiest diet?
- Flexible dieting and “IIFYM” work, but specific food selection still matters
- Reverse dieting: Hype vs evidence
- Q&A: How can someone claim to use “intuitive eating” within the context of weight loss?
- Cheat meals
- Coach’s Corner: Carbohydrate overfeeding and bulking macros
- Why do some people assume that many health-oriented nutrition principles don’t apply to them just because they’re lean, well-trained, or physically active?
- SBS Article Discussion: The Problems with Calorie Counting
- Issues with generic calorie targets
- Coach’s Corner: protein-sparing-modified-time-restricted-feeding (modified OMAD)
- Research Review: Dietary fiber
- Three common anti-fiber (or anti-plant) claims
- Is dietary fat actually satiating?
- Aside from performance, what are the health-related risks and benefits associated with dietary nitrate intake? Do the risks and benefits differ when comparing nitrate-rich vegetables to cured meats containing nitrate?
- How concerned should we be about a new study linking artificial sweeteners to increased risk of cancer?
- Research Review: French-fried potatoes consumption and energy balance: a randomized controlled trial.
- Q&A: Does the glycemic index matter?
- Do artificial sweeteners increase appetite, food cravings, or caloric intake at a subsequent meal?
- How’s the transition from a meat-heavy omnivorous diet to a vegetarian diet?
- On the topic of intra-workout carbohydrate beverages: are fancy carb sources actually better, or would a traditional sports beverage be equally effective?
- Low-calorie diets
- Research Review: Carbohydrate-insulin model versus energy balance model
- SBS Article Discussion: The Definitive Diet Setup Guide
- Research Review: Revisiting Diet Breaks and Refeeds
- Thoughts on high sodium for strength sports?
- Can athletes get around the negative effects of high sugar consumption because they are more active?
- I am a fitness instructor, and I have a female client who wishes to lose weight. I tried putting her on a caloric deficit, but she is not losing weight. Is it because she is lying about her diet or there might be other external factors?
- Research Review: Calorie restriction and protein restriction for longevity
- Does alkaline water increase blood pH? Is it possible to eat or drink anything that would change blood pH? Does it matter?
- Coach’s Corner: How to set calorie targets
- What is a normal creatine kinase level for people who are lifting?
- Research Review: Carbohydrate-insulin model versus energy balance model
- SBS Article Discussion: The Definitive Diet Setup Guide
- Thoughts on the OMAD (one-meal-a-day) diet? How important is it to get protein and leucine right before sleep to continue muscle protein synthesis throughout the night?
- It is often said that one pound of fat loss corresponds to a deficit of around 3500 kilocalories. What about one pound of muscle loss? Is it possible to gain weight in an energy deficit, or to lose weight in an energy surplus?
- I have an upcoming surgery that will require 3-4 weeks without training. How should I eat to maintain my gains? How quickly can I return to lifting?
- Research Roundup: Effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on body weight
- Research Roundup – Intuitive eating
- How important is good food, really?
- Are sugar-sweetened beverages inherently bad for health?
- Research Roundup – Meal timing
- Research Review: Dietary cholesterol and training adaptations
- Should people be worried about “anti-nutrients?”
- How much water does the typical lifter need? Does timing of ingestion matter? Should water intake be reduced at night?
- What are the risks and benefits of using nicotine to suppress appetite and increase energy?
- Optimal breakfast to fuel training
- Appetitive traits as targets for weight loss: The role of food cue responsiveness and satiety responsiveness
- Based on its mercury content, how much canned tuna can you eat on a weekly basis?
- Research Roundup – Four Weeks of Time-Restricted Feeding Combined With Resistance Training Does Not Differentially Influence Measures of Body Composition, Muscle Performance, Resting Energy Expenditure, and Blood Biomarkers
- Should nutrition be altered during a deload?
- Best hangover cure/prevention tips?
- What exactly influences our relationship with food, and how might we go about improving it? (with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon)
- What are some big or common mistakes that nutrition coaches make with their clients? (with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon)
- I’ve heard meal timing throughout the day is fairly inconsequential, but does the literature show any meaningful benefits to having high calorie workout days and low calorie rest days? Specifically for limiting fat accumulation?
- Do you try to limit things like caffeine, artificial sweeteners, diet soda, or any calorie-free things, either during a weight loss diet or during maintenance or bulking phases?
- Research Review: Twice as High Diet-Induced Thermogenesis After Breakfast vs Dinner On High-Calorie as Well as Low-Calorie Meals
- Research Roundup – Artificial Sweeteners and Risk of Stroke and Dementia
- Article Discussion: “Antioxidants for Lifters: A Review of the Evidence”
- Research Roundup – Artificial sweeteners. Effects of Stevia Extract on Postprandial Glucose Response, Satiety and Energy Intake: A Three-Arm Crossover Trial.
- Research Roundup – Short-Term Impact of Sucralose Consumption on the Metabolic Response and Gut Microbiome of Healthy Adults.
- Coach’s Corner: Changing health-related habits and behaviors
- Hot Off the Presses: Antioxidants. Studies discussed:
- Can Eric discuss the recent “Game Changers” debate on the Joe Rogan podcast? Can he defend his indefensible review of the “Game Changers” movie, and defend his honor and integrity in the process?
- Insulin hypothesis: Definition and shortcomings (With James Krieger)
- Hot Off The Press (Research Roundup) – High fructose diets
- More and more studies show that a plant based diet is healthier than one that includes meat and other animal products. How does this relate to gains and weight loss?
- What are the evidence-based recommendations for red meat and processed meat consumption?
- What is your take on intuitive eating? Does our body have a built in mechanism which will increase hunger when our body registers the necessity for muscle growth?
- Is keto the best diet for weight loss?
- What are the effects of alcohol consumption on body composition?
- Can you eat fruit during a contest prep (or weight loss) diet?
- Is there any benefit to manipulating dietary fat distribution throughout the week (in essence, “fat cycling”)?
- Does blending your food render it less nutritious?
- A recent paper came out stating that people who drink diet soda are more likely to have a stroke… is this actually true? Are there any legit concerns about artificial sweeteners?
- What effect does processed food have on total daily calorie intake?
- There was recently a debate between Gary Taubes and Stephan Guyenet. To use the prompt from this debate… What is the REAL cause of obesity?
- What are the theoretical reasons for favoring high meal frequency?
- What effects does sugar intake have on performance and composition?
- Does the relative split of daily dietary intake of carbs and fat really matter for hypertrophy, strength, and body composition?
- General Body Composition Questions
- Is it important to do a maintenance phase after bulking or cutting?
- Body Composition Assessments are Less Useful Than You Think
- Research Review: Mating Success
- SBS Article Discussion: Building Muscle in a Caloric Deficit: Context is Key
- When it comes to estimating body-fat percentage, BIA scales aren’t valid. But are they reliable enough to track body composition changes over time?
- Q&A: Can you address/summarize the topic of body-fat set points?
- Coach’s Corner: How to set up a diet for body recomposition
- Can extra calories from protein be stored as fat?
- “What factors seem to be predictive of successful weight loss maintenance?”
- Date in 3 days: Anything you can do to enhance your physique?
- What is brown adipose tissue?
- How do excessively low body-fat percentages impact strength and hypertrophy gains?
- Research Review: Relation of body fat mass and fat-free mass to total mortality
- Very brief p-ratio update
- Can you gain muscle while eating at maintenance calories if you’re getting adequate protein and have body fat to spare?
- Research Review: P-Ratios and Hypertrophy
- For body comp and performance purposes, what are your thoughts on “behavior based” dietary interventions, rather than focusing solely on macro targets?
- Does cortisol really impact body composition and fat storage?
- Do you buy the idea that certain ethnicities have a genetic tendency to store fat in different places?
- What are the biggest mistakes you see people make when they have an unsuccessful diet attempt? (with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon)
- Are eating habits particularly hard to change? How do we successfully change them? (with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon)
- Discussion on bulking, post-cut weight gain, and diet history (with Jeff Nippard)
- Discussion on FFMI and genetics (with Jeff Nippard)
- Are standing desks scientifically any better for athletes then sitting all day and how is that quantifiable?
- I’ve heard that having additional muscle mass can have effects on metabolism. Is this true?
- What percentage of guys do you think can achieve a fat-free mass index above 25?
- Body composition measurement: What are the most accurate methods? How bad is too bad for individual use? (With James Krieger)
- Is body mass index (BMI) still accurate for people who are much taller (or shorter) than average?
- What is a “set point” for body fat or body weight? Can we reset it?
- How can a person get their body fat percentage accurately estimated?
- Are body composition tests useful for the typical lifter? If so, how can people get their body composition tested in a reliable manner?
- What’s up with these new 3-D body composition scanners? What are some potential uses?
Contest or Meet Preparation
Research Review: Physique science and peak week
Episode 80: Carbohydrate, Water, and Electrolyte Manipulation For Physique Athletes
Defining “peaking” in physique sport
Episode 80: Carbohydrate, Water, and Electrolyte Manipulation For Physique Athletes
History of bodybuilding/physique research
Episode 80: Carbohydrate, Water, and Electrolyte Manipulation For Physique Athletes
How common is “peaking?”
Episode 80: Carbohydrate, Water, and Electrolyte Manipulation For Physique Athletes
Observational research on “peaking”
Episode 80: Carbohydrate, Water, and Electrolyte Manipulation For Physique Athletes
Experimental research on carbohydrate loading
Episode 80: Carbohydrate, Water, and Electrolyte Manipulation For Physique Athletes
Quasi-experimental research on carbohydrate loading
Episode 80: Carbohydrate, Water, and Electrolyte Manipulation For Physique Athletes
Research on intracellular and extracellular fluid shifts
Episode 80: Carbohydrate, Water, and Electrolyte Manipulation For Physique Athletes
Practical peaking strategies
Episode 80: Carbohydrate, Water, and Electrolyte Manipulation For Physique Athletes
Future directions for bodybuilding and physique research
Episode 80: Carbohydrate, Water, and Electrolyte Manipulation For Physique Athletes
Eric has mentioned a couple times that he’s gotten down to 1500 calories during prep. Other than copious amounts of shredded chicken, what would the most nutritionally-complete 1500 calorie meal plan look like?
Q&A: Training frequency, reducing caloric intake on rest days, and isometric training
What’s the best way to cut weight for powerlifting, in terms of performance?
Episode 5: Q&A: Dropping Weight, Building Strength to Promote Hypertrophy, and Training Around Pain
What are some different strategies for making weight for strength sports?
Episode 1: Creatine, Genetics, and Dr. Peter Fitschen
How do you decide when to bump up or down a weight class?
Is there a big focus on nutrition among higher-level strongman competitors? Are there any specific diets that are currently popular or trending?
Episode 26: Protein, Fiber, Phototherapy, and Intro to Strongman with James Deffinbaugh
What is Eric Helms’ approach to prepping for bodybuilding competitions?
When you get late into a weight loss phase, do you cut down training volume or intensity?
Episode 8: Drug Testing, New Supplement Research, Squat Science, and Dr. Eric Helms
Is Eric Helms doing anything to proactively address reductions in non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) during contest prep?
Episode 8: Drug Testing, New Supplement Research, Squat Science, and Dr. Eric Helms
Benefits of exercise for fat loss
- Homeostatic and non-homeostatic appetite control along the spectrum of physical activity levels: An updated perspective
- Acute and Chronic Effects of Exercise on Appetite, Energy Intake, and Appetite-Related Hormones: The Modulating Effect of Adiposity, Sex, and Habitual Physical Activity
- Weight-loss maintenance for 10 years in the National Weight Control Registry
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
Why exercise causes less fat loss than you’d expect
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
Should I use non-linear dieting strategies?
Episode 108: Common Questions About Weight Loss Diets
How important is it to maintain most of your muscle on a cut?
Episode 104: Q&A: Deltoid Training, NSAIDs, Controversial Fitness Opinions, and More
Popular weight loss advice that may do more harm than good
Episode 103: Misapplications of Popular Weight Loss Advice, and Identifying the “Healthiest” Diet
Q&A: How to retain muscle while cutting
- Effect of two different weight-loss rates on body composition and strength and power-related performance in elite athletes
- Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: When One Study Is Just not Enough
- Lean mass sparing in resistance-trained athletes during caloric restriction: the role of resistance training volume
Episode 87: Modified OMAD, Joint-Friendly Warm-Ups, and Muscle Retention While Cutting
If you intend to lose a lot of weight, should you break the cut into 12-week increments with some maintenance periods in between, or lose it all in one continuous cut?
Episode 85: Sumo Deadlifts, Procrastination, and Oral Contraceptives
Coach’s Corner: Troubleshooting weight loss plateaus
- Adaptive thermogenesis in humans
- The Metabolic Adaptation Manual: Problems, Solutions, And Life After Weight Loss
- Daily energy expenditure through the human life course
- Energy compensation and adiposity in humans
- Energy compensation and metabolic adaptation: “The Biggest Loser” study reinterpreted
- Physical Activity and Total Daily Energy Expenditure in Older US Adults: Constrained versus Additive Models
- Acute Behavior of Oxygen Consumption, Lactate Concentrations, and Energy Expenditure During Resistance Training: Comparisons Among Three Intensities
- Homeostatic and non-homeostatic appetite control along the spectrum of physical activity levels: An updated perspective
Episode 77: Weight Loss Plateaus, Tough Love, and Energy Audits
How has Greg’s weight loss impacted his strength?
Can Greg elaborate on his hypothesis that strength loss during weight loss may be due to upper body glycogen loss? How long does it take to restore glycogen once you go back to maintenance?
Bonus Live Q&A: Energy Constraint Model, Training Volume, Creatine Kinase Levels, and More
What’s your take on short bulk/cut cycles?
Episode 62: Energy Deficiency, Training Frequency, and Beginner Gains
Should athletes focused on cutting weight in a caloric deficit be worried about micronutrient deficiency?
Episode 49: Protein & Kidney Function; Cholesterol & Training Adaptations
If strength/size gains come back relatively quickly after a cut, is there any benefit to cutting at a less conservative pace in order to spend a higher percentage of the year in a lean bulking phase?
Episode 48: Breakfast, Glycine, Muscle Knots, and Trigger Points
Can cold exposure be used as a fat loss strategy?
Episode 44: Caffeine Genes, Brown Adipose Tissue, Concurrent Training, and Hangovers
When experiencing strength loss while cutting, how can you tell if the loss in strength is a natural part of being in a caloric deficit, or a result of overreaching?
Q&A: Training frequency, reducing caloric intake on rest days, and isometric training
Coach’s Corner – Programming your training during weight loss
Episode 33: Doping, Collagen, Goals, and Hyperplasia
Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) and weight loss/weight regain (With James Krieger)
Episode 30: Fructose, Knee Sleeves, Weight Loss Variability, and James Krieger
Research Roundup – Weight loss success is highly, highly individual
Studies discussed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Episode 30: Fructose, Knee Sleeves, Weight Loss Variability, and James Krieger
There has been a lot of discussion about bulking on recent shows. I would be interested in hearing about practical recommendations regarding the frequency of bulking and cutting. How often is common? Is there a ceiling where it’s no longer effective, or even harmful, over a given time period?
Episode 25: Q&A: Rest Periods, Deadlifts, Bulking, and Hypertrophy for Powerlifters
What is your opinion on mini cuts during an extended gaining phase? How long a mini cut should be, how aggressive should the caloric deficit be, and what should be training like?
Episode 21: Q&A: BCAAs, Mini-Cuts, Sex Differences, and First Meet Tips
What are the repercussions of rapid fat loss? How can you achieve rapid fat loss while minimizing the repercussions as much as possible?
Episode 15: Q&A: Keto, Rapid Fat Loss, Deadlifts, and Faulty Movement Patterns
If you’re trying to lose fat but maintain performance, what is the “optimal” rate of weight loss?
What should you do after a weight loss goal is achieved?
Episode 16:Changing Your Mind, Internet Arguments, Metabolic Adaptation, and Leigh Peele
Do you need to do a maintenance period after a bulk to effectively retain the newly added muscle mass?
Episode 85: Sumo Deadlifts, Procrastination, and Oral Contraceptives
What’s your take on short bulk/cut cycles?
Episode 62: Energy Deficiency, Training Frequency, and Beginner Gains
Is there a simple way to judge if I’m gaining too much fat during a bulk?
Episode 49: Protein & Kidney Function; Cholesterol & Training Adaptations
Do you think it would be beneficial to implement “diet breaks” while bulking?
Episode 34: Cell Swelling, Genetic Ceilings, Touch-and-Go Deadlifts, and Load-Specific Adaptations
Do “hardgainers” benefit from exceeding one gram of protein per pound of body weight? Do you see much in the literature about “hardgainers” who are female?
Episode 29: Q&A: High Protein Diets, Hardgainers, Exercise Variety, and Bone Adaptations
What is your opinion on mass gainers?
Episode 27: Q&A: Bands, Chains, Useful Supplements, and Tweaking Your Program
There has been a lot of discussion about bulking on recent shows. I would be interested in hearing about practical recommendations regarding the frequency of bulking and cutting. How often is common? Is there a ceiling where it’s no longer effective, or even harmful, over a given time period?
Episode 25: Q&A: Rest Periods, Deadlifts, Bulking, and Hypertrophy for Powerlifters
When bulking, what are the pros and cons of utilizing a rapid rate of weight gain?
Episode 17: Q&A: Dreamer Bulks, Concurrent Training, Recovery Modalities, and Valuing Research
When bulking, should you continuously re-calculate your maintenance calorie requirements as you go?
How much does fasted training impair performance? How much does this actually matter for goals related to health and body composition (rather than performance goals)?
How your Myers-Briggs score dictates your intermittent fasting protocol.
Episode 55: BMI, Plant-Based Protein, Stretching, and Mouthguards
Are there any merits to this study ( Are its conclusions accurate?
Episode 27: Q&A: Bands, Chains, Useful Supplements, and Tweaking Your Program
Are there benefits of fasted cardio for performance?
Episode 19: Q&A: Fasted Training, Training Frequency, and How Much Research is Enough?
Is fasting more effective than normal calorie restriction when it comes to retaining muscle mass whilst losing body fat?
Episode 13: Q&A: Warming Up, Calculating Volume, Assessing Fatigue, and Creatine Non-Responders
What is the history of intermittent fasting in the fitness industry?
Episode 12: Bench Press, Intermittent Fasting, Body Composition Testing, and Dr. Grant Tinsley
What has the research taught us about intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding?
Meta-analyses on intermittent fasting strategies:
Studies on time-restricted feeding:
Episode 12: Bench Press, Intermittent Fasting, Body Composition Testing, and Dr. Grant Tinsley
What are the potential mechanisms by which time-restricted feeding could be superior?
Episode 12: Bench Press, Intermittent Fasting, Body Composition Testing, and Dr. Grant Tinsley
Is it ever beneficial to lift weights in a fasted state?
Episode 23: Q&A: Carbs, Sodium, and Experimenting with Your Training
I train very early in the morning and drink a protein shake prior to training. Anything else you recommend to do or eat before working out in a fasted state?
Episode 23: Q&A: Carbs, Sodium, and Experimenting with Your Training
Energy Expenditure
Exercise energy compensation and the constrained total energy expenditure model
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
Factors impacting energy compensation
- Energy compensation and adiposity in humans
- Physical Activity and Total Daily Energy Expenditure in Older US Adults: Constrained versus Additive Models
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
What’s the actual energy cost of exercise?
Episode 101: Accommodating Resistance for Power; Net Energy Cost of Exercise
Once you set an initial daily calorie target based on your estimated total daily energy expenditure, how do you adjust your diet from there?
Episode 91: Cognitive Effects of Creatine, Nasal Breathing, and Current Trends in Science
Issues with wearables for estimating energy expenditure
Episode 89: Buffering Strategies, Calorie Counting, and Estimating TDEE
Issues with common TDEE estimation equations
Episode 89: Buffering Strategies, Calorie Counting, and Estimating TDEE
A Heuristic For Estimating Energy Expenditure During Resistance Training
Research Review: Energy balance influences compensation for calories burned during exercise
Episode 74: Energy Compensation, Interference Effect, Underestimating Supplements
Research Review: Age, sex, and energy expenditure
- Daily energy expenditure through the human life course
- Doubly labelled water assessment of energy expenditure: principle, practice, and promise
- Specific metabolic rates of major organs and tissues across adulthood: evaluation by mechanistic model of resting energy expenditure
Episode 63: Metabolic Rate, Blood Flow Restricted Training, and Turkesterone
Coach’s Corner: Estimating total daily energy expenditure
- Some helpful equations: Resting Metabolic Rate: Best Ways to Measure It—And Raise It, Too
Episode 63: Metabolic Rate, Blood Flow Restricted Training, and Turkesterone
Research Review: Constrained energy model, hot dogs & lifespan.
- Energy compensation and adiposity in humans
- Small targeted dietary changes can yield substantial gains for human health and the environment
Episode 64: Constrained Energy, Modeling Hypertrophy, and Effects of Aging on Performance
Energy compensation and energy constraint model (Pontzer study)
Bonus Live Q&A: Energy Constraint Model, Training Volume, Creatine Kinase Levels, and More
Metabolic Adaptation
How worried should I be about metabolic adaptation?
Episode 108: Common Questions About Weight Loss Diets
A Heuristic For Estimating Energy Expenditure During Resistance Training
Research Review: Energy balance influences compensation for calories burned during exercise
Episode 74: Energy Compensation, Interference Effect, Underestimating Supplements
Contextualized Clarifications: Reverse Dieting
- The Metabolic Adaptation Manual: Problems, Solutions, And Life After Weight Loss
- Reduced adaptive thermogenesis during acute protein-imbalanced overfeeding is a metabolic hallmark of the human thrifty phenotype
Episode 70: Reverse Dieting, Bodybuilding Mortality, and Optimizing Biomechanics
Research Review: Age, sex, and energy expenditure
- Daily energy expenditure through the human life course
- Doubly labelled water assessment of energy expenditure: principle, practice, and promise
- Specific metabolic rates of major organs and tissues across adulthood: evaluation by mechanistic model of resting energy expenditure
Episode 63: Metabolic Rate, Blood Flow Restricted Training, and Turkesterone
Coach’s Corner: Estimating total daily energy expenditure
- Some helpful equations: Resting Metabolic Rate: Best Ways to Measure It—And Raise It, Too
Episode 63: Metabolic Rate, Blood Flow Restricted Training, and Turkesterone
Research Review: Constrained energy model, hot dogs & lifespan.
- Energy compensation and adiposity in humans
- Small targeted dietary changes can yield substantial gains for human health and the environment
Episode 64: Constrained Energy, Modeling Hypertrophy, and Effects of Aging on Performance
Energy compensation and energy constraint model (Pontzer study)
Bonus Live Q&A: Energy Constraint Model, Training Volume, Creatine Kinase Levels, and More
Can surplus calories eventually become maintenance calories?
Bonus Live Q&A: Energy Constraint Model, Training Volume, Creatine Kinase Levels, and More
Research Review: Recovering from a diet or relative energy deficiency
A Review of Nonpharmacological Strategies in the Treatment of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
The Metabolic Adaptation Manual: Problems, Solutions, and Life After Weight Loss
Episode 62: Energy Deficiency, Training Frequency, and Beginner Gains
Research Roundup – Metabolic adaptation
Episode 57: Caffeinated Naps, Intuitive Eating, and Q&A Catch-Up
The First Bodybuilding Refeed Research (with Eric Helms)
Episode 51: 2020’s Most Notable Research (with guests Eric Helms and Mike Zourdos)
Metabolic adaptation is an illusion, only present when participants are in negative energy balance
Episode 47 – Bench Angles, Appetitive Traits, and Mesocycle Progression
Can you cover the (in)accuracy of online RMR calculators?
Episode 35: Metabolic Rate, Artificial Sweeteners, Electromyography, and Non-Failure Training
How long does it take to metabolically recover from long-duration diets?
Episode 19: Q&A: Fasted Training, Training Frequency, and How Much Research is Enough?
What are the best strategies to reverse the effects of metabolic adaptation from a fat loss phase, while minimizing fat gain?
Episode 11: Q&A: Lifting Shoes, Alcohol, and Over/Underrated Exercises
In regards to re-feeds and/or diet breaks, from what I understand at least 2 consecutive days of re-feeding is needed to have any impact on the metabolic adaptations of a prolonged calorie deficit (3 days is probably better). That being said, how much of an effect does it really have, and is the cost to benefit ratio really worth it?
Episode 7: Q&A: CBD, Junk Volume, Eccentric Training, and Building a Following in Fitness
Is starvation mode a real thing?
Episode 16: Changing Your Mind, Internet Arguments, Metabolic Adaptation, and Leigh Peele
How much protein do you actually need for muscle growth?
Episode 102: Partial ROM Training for Strength, and Protein Requirements for Muscle Growth
Protein quality: What is it, what affects it, and how much does it matter?
Episode 97: Individual Responses to Training and Protein Quality
Is a high-protein meal before bed worth the potential boost for muscle protein synthesis if it causes sleep disruption?
Episode 83: Lifting & Mortality, Global Versus Localized Hypertrophy, and Pre-Sleep Meals
You’re planning for three meals per day, but already hit your protein target within the first two meals. How much protein should you eat in your third meal?
Episode 83: Lifting & Mortality, Global Versus Localized Hypertrophy, and Pre-Sleep Meals
What happens if you massively undereat protein?
Episode 83: Lifting & Mortality, Global Versus Localized Hypertrophy, and Pre-Sleep Meals
How do protein requirements scale for people of differing body size and body composition?
- The response of muscle protein synthesis following whole-body resistance exercise is greater following 40 g than 20 g of ingested whey protein
- A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults
- Indicator Amino Acid-Derived Estimate of Dietary Protein Requirement for Male Bodybuilders on a Nontraining Day Is Several-Fold Greater than the Current Recommended Dietary Allowance
- Protein to Maximize Whole-Body Anabolism in Resistance-trained Females after Exercise
Episode 81: Protein Scaling, Fiber Types, Artificial Sweeteners
Research Roundup: Protein digestion speed
Episode 79: Protein Digestion Speed, Bone Density, Push-Pull Ratios
Are short-term measures of muscle protein synthesis predictive of longitudinal muscle hypertrophy? As long as total protein and calorie intake are matched, is there a significant difference between eating two meals per day versus eating every 3-4 hours?
Episode 79: Protein Digestion Speed, Bone Density, Push-Pull Ratios
Q&A: How much should I stress over a pre-bed protein feeding?
- The Impact of Pre-sleep Protein Ingestion on the Skeletal Muscle Adaptive Response to Exercise in Humans: An Update
- Protein Ingestion before Sleep Increases Muscle Mass and Strength Gains during Prolonged Resistance-Type Exercise Training in Healthy Young Men
- Casein Protein Supplementation in Trained Men and Women: Morning versus Evening
- Daytime and nighttime casein supplements similarly increase muscle size and strength in response to resistance training earlier in the day: a preliminary investigation
- Evenly Distributed Protein Intake over 3 Meals Augments Resistance Exercise–Induced Muscle Hypertrophy in Healthy Young Men
Episode 78: Walking Benefits and Pre-Sleep Protein
When tracking macros, how should we account for low-quality proteins like collagen?
Episode 70: Reverse Dieting, Bodybuilding Mortality, and Optimizing Biomechanics
Age-related protein considerations
- Anabolic Resistance of Muscle Protein Turnover Comes in Various Shapes and Sizes
- Protein Requirements for Master Athletes: Just Older Versions of Their Younger Selves
- Should You Cut Before You Bulk?: How Body-Fat Levels Affect Your P-Ratio
Episode 68: Cooling Gloves, Cardio Considerations, and Protein in Aging
Any concerns regarding upper limits for soy intake?
Episode 69: Partial ROM, Intra-Workout Carbs, MASS Research Roundup
What’s the lowest protein intake someone could eat while still building an appreciable amount of muscle?
- Dose–response relationship between protein intake and muscle mass increase: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
- A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults
Episode 67: Calorie Restriction, Protein Restriction, App Updates
Why don’t MPS results match up with hypertrophy results?
- Essential amino acid-enriched whey enhances post-exercise whole-body protein balance during energy deficit more than iso-nitrogenous whey or a mixed-macronutrient meal: a randomized, crossover study
- Making Sense of Muscle Protein Synthesis: A Focus on Muscle Growth During Resistance Training
Episode 67: Calorie Restriction, Protein Restriction, App Updates
How does MPS caused by protein consumption compare to the magnitude of MPS caused by resistance training?
You’ve already met your calorie intake target for the day, but you haven’t reached your protein target yet. Should you eat more protein and go over your calorie target?
Research Review: Plant proteins revisited
Episode 55: BMI, Plant-Based Protein, Stretching, and Mouthguards
Research Roundup – Protein
Episode 53: Protein, Fish Oil, Glycogen, and What Limits Muscle Growth
Research Roundup – Optimal Protein Intake
Episode 52: Protein, Lactate, and Strength Phases to Boost Hypertrophy
Research Review: High-protein diets and kidney function
Episode 49: Protein & Kidney Function; Cholesterol & Training Adaptations
What is the optimal speed for consumption of a protein bolus?
Episode 46: Season Finale: Tons of New Meta-Analyses and Q&A Catch-Up
Is there a link between high-protein diets and kidney stones?
Episode 46: Season Finale: Tons of New Meta-Analyses and Q&A Catch-Up
Two protein questions. 1) There are huge discrepancies with protein recommendations. Some organizations recommend as low as 0.36g per pound, but some bodybuilders eat 400-500g per day. Where is the sweet spot, and is it possible to over-do it? 2) For my total daily protein intake, should I only count proteins from animal and dairy sources, since they are considered “high-quality” or “complete” proteins?
Episode 38: Immune Function, Home-Based Workouts, Fat Burners, and Lifting with Long Limbs
Research Roundup – Differential Responses of Blood Essential Amino Acid Levels Following Ingestion of High-Quality Plant-Based Protein Blends Compared to Whey Protein-A Double-Blind Randomized, Cross-Over, Clinical Trial.
Episode 35: Metabolic Rate, Artificial Sweeteners, Electromyography, and Non-Failure Training
How does my pre-workout meal look? 2 scoops of whey, 10g of dextrose, 30-45 minutes before working out. Also, would there be any benefit of a post-workout shake?
Episode 34: Cell Swelling, Genetic Ceilings, Touch-and-Go Deadlifts, and Load-Specific Adaptations
Research Roundup – Effects of Dietary Protein Quantity on Bone Quantity following Weight Loss: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Episode 34: Cell Swelling, Genetic Ceilings, Touch-and-Go Deadlifts, and Load-Specific Adaptations
High Compared with Moderate Protein Intake Reduces Adaptive Thermogenesis and Induces a Negative Energy Balance during Long-term Weight-Loss Maintenance in Participants with Prediabetes in the Postobese State: A PREVIEW Study.
Episode 33: Doping, Collagen, Goals, and Hyperplasia
Are there any downsides associated with high protein diets? Is the “one gram per pound of body weight” rule good?
Study referenced: 1
Episode 29: Q&A: High Protein Diets, Hardgainers, Exercise Variety, and Bone Adaptations
Research Roundup – Castro et al: Comparative Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Concentrated, Hydrolyzed, and Isolated Whey Protein Supplementation on Body Composition of Physical Activity Practitioners
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, and Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
Is there any benefit to a “personalized” protein supplement blend, or is it just an excuse to increase the price?
Episode 27: Q&A: Bands, Chains, Useful Supplements, and Tweaking Your Program
Considering the result of this 2014 study, would you see similar long-term results from eating a normal amount of a whole protein source, or a smaller protein dose that is supplemented with extra leucine?
Article on dietary amino acid balance and hyperphagia.
Episode 3: Q&A: Beltless Training, Leucine, and the Health Benefits of Strength
What does the research say about protein and overfeeding?
Papers discussed: Charidemou et al, Kassis et al, Johannsen et al.
Episode 8: Drug Testing, New Supplement Research, Squat Science, and Dr. Eric Helms
Research suggests there is a refractory period for muscle protein synthesis following protein ingestion. Will eating a snack with protein between meals disrupt protein synthesis?
Episode 11: Q&A: Lifting Shoes, Alcohol, and Over/Underrated Exercises
Keto for hypertrophy
Episode 60: Capsaicin, Multivitamins, and Time Off
How do you define a ketogenic diet?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
What are the potential benefits of adopting a ketogenic diet?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
For a ketogenic diet, how low do carbs need to be? Does it vary from person to person?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
Does high protein intake kick you out of ketosis?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
How do you know if you’re in ketosis or not?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
Do you really need to have high fat intake, or is carb restriction sufficient?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
How good or bad is the adherence rate in keto diet studies?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
What are the potential drawbacks of a ketogenic diet? What micronutrients might be missing?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
Do ketogenic diets have negative effects on cholesterol/blood lipids or hair loss?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
Is it possible to predict who will respond relatively well (or poorly) to a ketogenic diet?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
What are the effects of keto on fat loss, muscle gain, and muscle retention?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
What are the effects of keto on physical performance?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
Is keto potentially helpful for any conditions other than certain types of epilepsy?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
Are there any applications for ketone supplements?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
Who is keto good for?
Episode 24: The Game Changers, Vegan Diets, Foam Rolling, and Keto with Michael Hull
Gut Health
What exactly is “gut health”? (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
Interview: Gut Health with Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro
Are “enterotypes” legit? (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
Interview: Gut Health with Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro
Fiber (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
Interview: Gut Health with Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro
Meat (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
Interview: Gut Health with Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro
Artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
Interview: Gut Health with Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro
Fermentable foods (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
Interview: Gut Health with Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro
Prebiotics and probiotics (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
Interview: Gut Health with Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro
Antibiotics (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
Interview: Gut Health with Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro
Fecal transplants (With Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro)
Interview: Gut Health with Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro
General Nutrition Questions
History of RDAs and Government Micronutrient Recommendations
- The 100-Year History of Vitamins – Supplement Facts – Better Nutrition
- Vitamins Come to Dinner | Science History Institute
- Are We Well Fed?: A Report on the Diets of Families in the United States (Miscellaneous Publication No. 430)
- The History and Future of Dietary Guidance in America – PMC
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025
- Dietary Reference Intakes Development |
- History of Nutrition: The Long Road Leading to the Dietary Reference Intakes for the United States and Canada
Episode 120: Understanding Micronutrient Targets: What Do They Mean, and Where Do They Come From?
Understanding Micronutrient Targets and the DRI Framework
Episode 120: Understanding Micronutrient Targets: What Do They Mean, and Where Do They Come From?
How EARs, RDAs, and LTIs are Determined
- EFSA publication on calcium, used as an example
- Figure showing data used to define calcium DRVs (from this article)
Episode 120: Understanding Micronutrient Targets: What Do They Mean, and Where Do They Come From?
The relative imprecision of micronutrient tracking (and WHY micronutrient content can differ so much within a single food)
- Why labeling error generally doesn’t matter much for calorie (and macronutrient) tracking: SBS article – Nutrition Labels Are Inaccurate (and the Math Behind Why It Doesn’t Matter)
- Variable vitamin C content in spinach
- Slightly higher nutrient levels in similar foods in Germany than the Netherlands
- Soil health and nutrient density
- Many roles of vitamin C in plants
- MacroFactor knowledge base content on selenium
- Selenium uptake in plants
- Regional selenium differences in the US
- Regional selenium differences in China
- Selenium intake and diabetes
- Selenium and cancer
- General selenium content
- Omega-3 content in farmed vs fresh salmon
- Generally high vitamin A levels in the livers of numerous arctic predators
Episode 120: Understanding Micronutrient Targets: What Do They Mean, and Where Do They Come From?
Why it can be challenging to track your micronutrient intake in the first place
- Nutrient reporting frequencies in the UK graphic: (from this study, discussed in this article)
Episode 120: Understanding Micronutrient Targets: What Do They Mean, and Where Do They Come From?
What are essential nutrients in the first place? What does it mean to call a nutrient essential?
- Creatine intake and depression
- Creatine treatment for depression
- Further perspective on creatine potentially being conditionally essential
Episode 119: Micronutrients Deserve More Attention
Episode 119: Micronutrients Deserve More Attention
Episode 119: Micronutrients Deserve More Attention
Essential Fatty Acids
- Note: I Googled it, and Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Apologies to the Greeks.
Episode 119: Micronutrients Deserve More Attention
Essential Amino Acids
Episode 119: Micronutrients Deserve More Attention
Episode 119: Micronutrients Deserve More Attention
- Dietary fiber is NOT an essential nutrient
- “Fiber is an essential nutrient”
- Where did all the coal come from
- Cool video about resistant starch
Episode 119: Micronutrients Deserve More Attention
Episode 119: Micronutrients Deserve More Attention
History of artificial sweeteners preceding aspartame
Episode 116: Aspartame: The Surprisingly Interesting Science and History
The very sketchy approval process for aspartame and subsequent media coverage
Episode 116: Aspartame: The Surprisingly Interesting Science and History
Breaking down the World Health Organization’s decision to classify aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic”
Episode 116: Aspartame: The Surprisingly Interesting Science and History
The fallout from the WHO’s classification of aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic”
Episode 116: Aspartame: The Surprisingly Interesting Science and History
Does diet tracking “work?”
Episode 111: Diet Tracking and Mindful Eating
What are the major challenges that threaten the effectiveness of diet tracking or calorie counting?
Episode 111: Diet Tracking and Mindful Eating
How to make diet tracking as effective and enjoyable as possible
- An Evidence-Based Approach to Goal Setting and Behavior Change
- Accomplishing Goals Through Sustainable Behavior Change
- The Drawbacks of “Cheat Meals” (and More Advisable Alternatives)
Episode 111: Diet Tracking and Mindful Eating
The relationship between diet tracking or calorie counting and eating disorders
- Diet Tracking and Disordered Eating: Which Comes First?
- Introducing Dietary Self-Monitoring to Undergraduate Women via a Calorie Counting App Has No Effect on Mental Health or Health Behaviors: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial
Episode 111: Diet Tracking and Mindful Eating
Mindful eating
Episode 111: Diet Tracking and Mindful Eating
Mindful eating versus intuitive eating
- The Influence of Mindful Eating and/or Intuitive Eating Approaches on Dietary Intake: A Systematic Review
- Mindful Eating: The Art of Presence While You Eat – PMC
Episode 111: Diet Tracking and Mindful Eating
How is mindful eating actually implemented?
Episode 111: Diet Tracking and Mindful Eating
Is mindful eating a weight loss strategy?
- Mindful eating and common diet programs lower body weight similarly: Systematic review and meta-analysis
- Mindfulness meditation as an intervention for binge eating, emotional eating, and weight loss: a systematic review
- From perception to ingestion; the role of sensory properties in energy selection, eating behaviour and food intake – ScienceDirect
- Slow Down: Behavioural and Physiological Effects of Reducing Eating Rate
- Slow food, fast food and the control of food intake
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for weight control: Model, evidence, and future directions – PMC
Episode 111: Diet Tracking and Mindful Eating
Psychology-related applications of mindful eating
- Mindfulness meditation as an intervention for binge eating, emotional eating, and weight loss: a systematic review
- Effects of Mindfulness-Based Intervention on the Treatment of Problematic Eating Behaviors: A Systematic Review
- Mindfulness-based interventions for adults who are overweight or obese: a meta-analysis of physical and psychological health outcomes
- Mindful Eating: A Review Of How The Stress-Digestion-Mindfulness Triad May Modulate And Improve Gastrointestinal And Digestive Function
Episode 111: Diet Tracking and Mindful Eating
Can mindful eating and macro tracking co-exist?
Episode 111: Diet Tracking and Mindful Eating
Healthy diet indicator criteria
- The World Health Organization’s Healthy Diet Indicator and its associated factors: A cross-sectional study in central Kinki, Japan
- Introducing a Suite of Low-Burden Diet Quality Indicators That Reflect Healthy Diet Patterns at Population Level
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Low-fat diet
- Definitive Diet Setup Guide: How to Build and Adjust a Smart Nutrition Plan
- Cholesterol, Lipoproteins & Lipids: Understanding CVD Risk – Sigma Nutrition
- The Impact of Diet on Blood Lipids – Sigma Nutrition
- How Diet Influences Heart Disease Risk – Sigma Nutrition
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Ornish diet
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Vegetarian/vegan diet
- Vegetarian, vegan diets and multiple health outcomes: A systematic review with meta-analysis of observational studies
- Self-reported Resistance Training Is Associated With Better HR-pQCT-derived Bone Microarchitecture in Vegan People
- High-Protein Plant-Based Diet Versus a Protein-Matched Omnivorous Diet to Support Resistance Training Adaptations: A Comparison Between Habitual Vegans and Omnivores
- Vegetarian diet and the risk of depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
- Association between vegetarian and vegan diets and depression: A systematic review
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Raw vegan diet
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Cleanses and Detoxes
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Single-food diets
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Time-restricted feeding (includes breakfast skipping literature, IMO)
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Intermittent fasting (alternate-day fasting, 5:2 diet, etc)
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Long fasting periods for health benefits
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Mediterranean diet
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Seed oils and vegetable oils
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
DASH diet
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Plant-based diets
Episode 110: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 2)
Healthy diet indicator criteria
- The World Health Organization’s Healthy Diet Indicator and its associated factors: A cross-sectional study in central Kinki, Japan
- Introducing a Suite of Low-Burden Diet Quality Indicators That Reflect Healthy Diet Patterns at Population Level
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
Low-carb diets
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
The Zone diet
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
The South Beach diet
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
Glycemic index
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
Continuous glucose monitors
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
Gluten-free diets
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
“Eating clean”
- A Comparison of the Nutrient Intakes of Macronutrient-Based Dieting and Strict Dieting Bodybuilders
- Flexible vs. rigid dieting in resistance-trained individuals seeking to optimize their physiques: A randomized controlled trial – PMC
- Towards a Sustainable Nutrition Paradigm in Physique Sport: A Narrative Review – PMC
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
Ketogenic diets
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
The Atkins diet
- Cholesterol, Lipoproteins & Lipids: Understanding CVD Risk – Sigma Nutrition
- The Impact of Diet on Blood Lipids – Sigma Nutrition
- How Diet Influences Heart Disease Risk – Sigma Nutrition
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
The Paleo diet
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
The carnivore diet
Episode 109: Popular Diets and Common Nutrition Misconceptions (Part 1)
How do I set and adjust calorie targets?
- Definitive Diet Setup Guide: How to Build and Adjust a Smart Nutrition Plan
- Comparison of Indirect Calorimetry and Common Prediction Equations for Evaluating Changes in Resting Metabolic Rate Induced by Resistance Training and a Hypercaloric Diet
Episode 108: Common Questions About Weight Loss Diets
Is “recomping” possible?
- Body Recomposition: Can Trained Individuals Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time?
- Should You Cut Before You Bulk?: How Body-Fat Levels Affect Your P-Ratio
Episode 108: Common Questions About Weight Loss Diets
How do I set and adjust macro targets?
Episode 108: Common Questions About Weight Loss Diets
Should I do a reverse diet?
Episode 108: Common Questions About Weight Loss Diets
Should I use non-linear dieting strategies?
Episode 108: Common Questions About Weight Loss Diets
Eric mentioned on a recent podcast that he’s now fully vegan. Aside from avoiding animal products, I’m curious about any changes he has made or differences he has noticed related to training and nutrition.
Episode 106: Q&A: Exercise Selection, Fitness Testing, and Work-Life Balance
Any issue in approaching one’s minimum dietary fat target as a weekly average target instead of daily target?
Episode 105: Q&A: Ergogenic Effect of Music, Testosterone Replacement, and Misinformation in Fitness
What is the healthiest diet?
Episode 103: Misapplications of Popular Weight Loss Advice, and Identifying the “Healthiest” Diet
Flexible dieting and “IIFYM” work, but specific food selection still matters
Episode 98: Mechanical Tension for Hypertrophy and Strategic Food Selection
Reverse dieting: Hype vs evidence
Episode 96: Stretch-Mediated Hypertrophy and Reverse Dieting
Q&A: How can someone claim to use “intuitive eating” within the context of weight loss?
Episode 94: Intuitive Eating, Plyometrics for Hypertrophy, and a Sauna Update
Cheat meals
Episode 93: Cheat Meals, Sauna, and Time Off From Training
Coach’s Corner: Carbohydrate overfeeding and bulking macros
- De novo lipogenesis during controlled overfeeding with sucrose or glucose in lean and obese women
- Effect of carbohydrate overfeeding on whole body and adipose tissue metabolism in humans
- Glycogen storage capacity and de novo lipogenesis during massive carbohydrate overfeeding in man
- If You Go “High Carb”, You Better Go Really High! Seven Meals/Day, More than 800g of Carbs, Less Than 50g of Fat & 1000kcal Over Maintenance and Still “Lean Gains”!
Episode 92: Turkesterone, Carb Overfeeding, and Commonly Neglected Muscles
Why do some people assume that many health-oriented nutrition principles don’t apply to them just because they’re lean, well-trained, or physically active?
Episode 91: Cognitive Effects of Creatine, Nasal Breathing, and Current Trends in Science
SBS Article Discussion: The Problems with Calorie Counting
Episode 89: Buffering Strategies, Calorie Counting, and Estimating TDEE
Issues with generic calorie targets
Episode 89: Buffering Strategies, Calorie Counting, and Estimating TDEE
Coach’s Corner: protein-sparing-modified-time-restricted-feeding (modified OMAD)
Episode 87: Modified OMAD, Joint-Friendly Warm-Ups, and Muscle Retention While Cutting
Research Review: Dietary fiber
- A Short-Term Low-Fiber Diet Reduces Body Mass in Healthy Young Men: Implications for Weight-Sensitive Sports
- Health benefits of dietary fiber
- The Health Benefits of Dietary Fibre
Episode 86: Dietary Fiber, Responses to Feedback, and Encouraging Exercise
Three common anti-fiber (or anti-plant) claims
Episode 86: Dietary Fiber, Responses to Feedback, and Encouraging Exercise
Is dietary fat actually satiating?
Episode 82: Spirulina, Satiety, And Vitamin Supplementation
Aside from performance, what are the health-related risks and benefits associated with dietary nitrate intake? Do the risks and benefits differ when comparing nitrate-rich vegetables to cured meats containing nitrate?
- Inorganic nitrite and nitrate: evidence to support consideration as dietary nutrients
- Dietary Nitrates, Nitrites, and Nitrosamines Intake and the Risk of Gastric Cancer: A Meta-Analysis
Episode 81: Protein Scaling, Fiber Types, Artificial Sweeteners
How concerned should we be about a new study linking artificial sweeteners to increased risk of cancer?
- Artificial sweeteners and cancer risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé population-based cohort study
- Sugary drink consumption and risk of cancer: results from NutriNet-Santé prospective cohort
Episode 81: Protein Scaling, Fiber Types, Artificial Sweeteners
Research Review: French-fried potatoes consumption and energy balance: a randomized controlled trial.
Episode 75: Body Recomposition, Interpreting Different Types of Research
Q&A: Does the glycemic index matter?
Episode 72: ATP Supplementation, Goal Alignment, Glycemic Index
Do artificial sweeteners increase appetite, food cravings, or caloric intake at a subsequent meal?
- NPR: Diet soda may prompt food cravings, especially in women and people with obesity
- Obesity and Sex-Related Associations With Differential Effects of Sucralose vs Sucrose on Appetite and Reward Processing
- Effects of nonnutritive sweeteners on body weight and BMI in diverse clinical contexts: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Episode 70: Reverse Dieting, Bodybuilding Mortality, and Optimizing Biomechanics
How’s the transition from a meat-heavy omnivorous diet to a vegetarian diet?
Episode 70: Reverse Dieting, Bodybuilding Mortality, and Optimizing Biomechanics
On the topic of intra-workout carbohydrate beverages: are fancy carb sources actually better, or would a traditional sports beverage be equally effective?
- Recommendations for carb intake during exercise
Episode 69: Partial ROM, Intra-Workout Carbs, MASS Research Roundup
Low-calorie diets
Episode 68: Cooling Gloves, Cardio Considerations, and Protein in Aging
Research Review: Carbohydrate-insulin model versus energy balance model
- The carbohydrate-insulin model: a physiological perspective on the obesity pandemic
- Post from Stronger By Science Community
Episode 65: Carbohydrate-Insulin Model, Counting Calories, and Setting Up a Diet
SBS Article Discussion: The Definitive Diet Setup Guide
Episode 65: Carbohydrate-Insulin Model, Counting Calories, and Setting Up a Diet
Research Review: Revisiting Diet Breaks and Refeeds
Episode 66: Refeeds, Diet Breaks, Fructose, and Sodium
Thoughts on high sodium for strength sports?
Episode 66: Refeeds, Diet Breaks, Fructose, and Sodium
Can athletes get around the negative effects of high sugar consumption because they are more active?
Episode 66: Refeeds, Diet Breaks, Fructose, and Sodium
I am a fitness instructor, and I have a female client who wishes to lose weight. I tried putting her on a caloric deficit, but she is not losing weight. Is it because she is lying about her diet or there might be other external factors?
Episode 66: Refeeds, Diet Breaks, Fructose, and Sodium
Research Review: Calorie restriction and protein restriction for longevity
- Calorie restriction versus protein restriction
- Comparing species
- Clean cupboard hypothesis
- Exercise and longevity
- Energy flux
Episode 67: Calorie Restriction, Protein Restriction, App Updates
Does alkaline water increase blood pH? Is it possible to eat or drink anything that would change blood pH? Does it matter?
- Acid-base balance and hydration status following consumption of mineral-based alkaline bottled water
- Diet acids and alkalis influence calcium retention in bone
- The effects of a novel bicarbonate loading protocol on serum bicarbonate concentration: a randomized controlled trial
Episode 67: Calorie Restriction, Protein Restriction, App Updates
Coach’s Corner: How to set calorie targets
Episode 64: Constrained Energy, Modeling Hypertrophy, and Effects of Aging on Performance
What is a normal creatine kinase level for people who are lifting?
Bonus Live Q&A: Energy Constraint Model, Training Volume, Creatine Kinase Levels, and More
Research Review: Carbohydrate-insulin model versus energy balance model
Episode 65: Carbohydrate-Insulin Model, Counting Calories, and Setting Up a Diet
SBS Article Discussion: The Definitive Diet Setup Guide
Episode 65: Carbohydrate-Insulin Model, Counting Calories, and Setting Up a Diet
Thoughts on the OMAD (one-meal-a-day) diet? How important is it to get protein and leucine right before sleep to continue muscle protein synthesis throughout the night?
Episode 61: Responders, Non-Responders, and Fish Oil
It is often said that one pound of fat loss corresponds to a deficit of around 3500 kilocalories. What about one pound of muscle loss? Is it possible to gain weight in an energy deficit, or to lose weight in an energy surplus?
Episode 62: Energy Deficiency, Training Frequency, and Beginner Gains
I have an upcoming surgery that will require 3-4 weeks without training. How should I eat to maintain my gains? How quickly can I return to lifting?
Research Roundup: Effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on body weight
Study link
Episode 59: Beta-Alanine, Training Frequency, and Strength for Hypertrophy
Research Roundup – Intuitive eating
Episode 57: Caffeinated Naps, Intuitive Eating, and Q&A Catch-Up
How important is good food, really?
Episode 57: Caffeinated Naps, Intuitive Eating, and Q&A Catch-Up
Are sugar-sweetened beverages inherently bad for health?
Episode 55: BMI, Plant-Based Protein, Stretching, and Mouthguards
Research Roundup – Meal timing
Episode 52: Protein, Lactate, and Strength Phases to Boost Hypertrophy
Research Review: Dietary cholesterol and training adaptations
Studies discussed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Episode 49: Protein & Kidney Function; Cholesterol & Training Adaptations
Should people be worried about “anti-nutrients?”
Episode 50: Q&A: Cortisol, Hydration, Anti-Nutrients, and Deadlift Recovery
How much water does the typical lifter need? Does timing of ingestion matter? Should water intake be reduced at night?
Episode 50: Q&A: Cortisol, Hydration, Anti-Nutrients, and Deadlift Recovery
What are the risks and benefits of using nicotine to suppress appetite and increase energy?
Episode 50: Q&A: Cortisol, Hydration, Anti-Nutrients, and Deadlift Recovery
Optimal breakfast to fuel training
Episode 48: Breakfast, Glycine, Muscle Knots, and Trigger Points
Appetitive traits as targets for weight loss: The role of food cue responsiveness and satiety responsiveness
Episode 47 – Bench Angles, Appetitive Traits, and Mesocycle Progression
Based on its mercury content, how much canned tuna can you eat on a weekly basis?
Episode 46: Season Finale: Tons of New Meta-Analyses and Q&A Catch-Up
Research Roundup – Four Weeks of Time-Restricted Feeding Combined With Resistance Training Does Not Differentially Influence Measures of Body Composition, Muscle Performance, Resting Energy Expenditure, and Blood Biomarkers
Study reviewed: Stratton et al.
Episode 44: Caffeine Genes, Brown Adipose Tissue, Concurrent Training, and Hangovers
Should nutrition be altered during a deload?
Episode 44: Caffeine Genes, Brown Adipose Tissue, Concurrent Training, and Hangovers
Best hangover cure/prevention tips?
Episode 44: Caffeine Genes, Brown Adipose Tissue, Concurrent Training, and Hangovers
What exactly influences our relationship with food, and how might we go about improving it? (with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon)
Behavior Change and Eating Habits with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon
What are some big or common mistakes that nutrition coaches make with their clients? (with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon)
Behavior Change and Eating Habits with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon
I’ve heard meal timing throughout the day is fairly inconsequential, but does the literature show any meaningful benefits to having high calorie workout days and low calorie rest days? Specifically for limiting fat accumulation?
Q&A: Training frequency, reducing caloric intake on rest days, and isometric training
Do you try to limit things like caffeine, artificial sweeteners, diet soda, or any calorie-free things, either during a weight loss diet or during maintenance or bulking phases?
Q&A: Training frequency, reducing caloric intake on rest days, and isometric training
Research Review: Twice as High Diet-Induced Thermogenesis After Breakfast vs Dinner On High-Calorie as Well as Low-Calorie Meals
SBS Guest Article by Danny Lennon
Episode 37: Heart Rate Variability, Antagonist Stretching, and Chrononutrition
Research Roundup – Artificial Sweeteners and Risk of Stroke and Dementia
Studies discussed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Episode 36: Antioxidants, Injury Risk Factors, and the Conjugate Method
Article Discussion: “Antioxidants for Lifters: A Review of the Evidence”
Episode 36: Antioxidants, Injury Risk Factors, and the Conjugate Method
Research Roundup – Artificial sweeteners. Effects of Stevia Extract on Postprandial Glucose Response, Satiety and Energy Intake: A Three-Arm Crossover Trial.
Episode 35: Metabolic Rate, Artificial Sweeteners, Electromyography, and Non-Failure Training”
Research Roundup – Short-Term Impact of Sucralose Consumption on the Metabolic Response and Gut Microbiome of Healthy Adults.
Episode 35: Metabolic Rate, Artificial Sweeteners, Electromyography, and Non-Failure Training”
Coach’s Corner: Changing health-related habits and behaviors
Hot Off the Presses: Antioxidants. Studies discussed:
Can Eric discuss the recent “Game Changers” debate on the Joe Rogan podcast? Can he defend his indefensible review of the “Game Changers” movie, and defend his honor and integrity in the process?
Episode 31: Q&A: Myonuclei, Sodium Bicarbonate, Bands For Hypertrophy, and More Game Changers
Insulin hypothesis: Definition and shortcomings (With James Krieger)
Episode 30: Fructose, Knee Sleeves, Weight Loss Variability, and James Krieger
Hot Off The Press (Research Roundup) – High fructose diets
Study Discussed: 1
Episode 30: Fructose, Knee Sleeves, Weight Loss Variability, and James Krieger
More and more studies show that a plant based diet is healthier than one that includes meat and other animal products. How does this relate to gains and weight loss?
Episode 25: Q&A: Rest Periods, Deadlifts, Bulking, and Hypertrophy for Powerlifters
What are the evidence-based recommendations for red meat and processed meat consumption?
Episode 22: Red Meat, Deloads, and Pain with Dr. Michael Ray
What is your take on intuitive eating? Does our body have a built in mechanism which will increase hunger when our body registers the necessity for muscle growth?
Episode 19: Q&A: Fasted Training, Training Frequency, and How Much Research is Enough?
Is keto the best diet for weight loss?
Episode 15: Q&A: Keto, Rapid Fat Loss, Deadlifts, and Faulty Movement Patterns
What are the effects of alcohol consumption on body composition?
Episode 11: Q&A: Lifting Shoes, Alcohol, and Over/Underrated Exercises
Can you eat fruit during a contest prep (or weight loss) diet?
Episode 11: Q&A: Lifting Shoes, Alcohol, and Over/Underrated Exercises
Is there any benefit to manipulating dietary fat distribution throughout the week (in essence, “fat cycling”)?
Does blending your food render it less nutritious?
A recent paper came out stating that people who drink diet soda are more likely to have a stroke… is this actually true? Are there any legit concerns about artificial sweeteners?
Episode 10: Coaching Cues, Fat-Free Mass Index, Non-Responders, and Dr. Brad Dieter
What effect does processed food have on total daily calorie intake?
Episode 10: Coaching Cues, Fat-Free Mass Index, Non-Responders, and Dr. Brad Dieter
There was recently a debate between Gary Taubes and Stephan Guyenet. To use the prompt from this debate… What is the REAL cause of obesity?
Episode 10: Coaching Cues, Fat-Free Mass Index, Non-Responders, and Dr. Brad Dieter
What are the theoretical reasons for favoring high meal frequency?
Episode 12: Bench Press, Intermittent Fasting, Body Composition Testing, and Dr. Grant Tinsley
What effects does sugar intake have on performance and composition?
Episode 23: Q&A: Carbs, Sodium, and Experimenting with Your Training
Does the relative split of daily dietary intake of carbs and fat really matter for hypertrophy, strength, and body composition?
Episode 23: Q&A: Carbs, Sodium, and Experimenting with Your Training
General Body Composition Questions
Is it important to do a maintenance phase after bulking or cutting?
Episode 104: Q&A: Deltoid Training, NSAIDs, Controversial Fitness Opinions, and More
Body Composition Assessments are Less Useful Than You Think
Research Review: Mating Success
- The Male Trait That Best Predicts Men’s Mating Success
- A meta-analysis of the association between male dimorphism and fitness outcomes in humans
Episode 88: Sedentary Time, Mating Success, and HIIT Protocols
SBS Article Discussion: Building Muscle in a Caloric Deficit: Context is Key
When it comes to estimating body-fat percentage, BIA scales aren’t valid. But are they reliable enough to track body composition changes over time?
Episode 82: Spirulina, Satiety, And Vitamin Supplementation
Q&A: Can you address/summarize the topic of body-fat set points?
Episode 76: Fish Oil, Body-Fat Set Points, and Junk Volume
Coach’s Corner: How to set up a diet for body recomposition
- Body Recomposition: Can Trained Individuals Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time?
- Slow and Steady, or Hard and Fast? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Studies Comparing Body Composition Changes between Interval Training and Moderate Intensity Continuous Training
- Effects of High Versus Low Protein Intake on Body Composition and Maximal Strength in Aspiring Female Physique Athletes Engaging in an 8-Week Resistance Training Program
- Energy deficiency impairs resistance training gains in lean mass but not strength: A meta-analysis and meta-regression
Episode 75: Body Recomposition, Interpreting Different Types of Research
Can extra calories from protein be stored as fat?
- The effects of consuming a high protein diet (4.4 g/kg/d) on body composition in resistance-trained individuals
- Effects of Graded Whey Supplementation During Extreme-Volume Resistance Training
- Effect of dietary protein content on weight gain, energy expenditure, and body composition during overeating: a randomized controlled trial
“What factors seem to be predictive of successful weight loss maintenance?”
Episode 68: Cooling Gloves, Cardio Considerations, and Protein in Aging
Date in 3 days: Anything you can do to enhance your physique?
Bonus Live Q&A: Energy Constraint Model, Training Volume, Creatine Kinase Levels, and More
What is brown adipose tissue?
Bonus Live Q&A: Energy Constraint Model, Training Volume, Creatine Kinase Levels, and More
How do excessively low body-fat percentages impact strength and hypertrophy gains?
Research Review: Relation of body fat mass and fat-free mass to total mortality
Episode 55: BMI, Plant-Based Protein, Stretching, and Mouthguards
Very brief p-ratio update
Episode 55: BMI, Plant-Based Protein, Stretching, and Mouthguards
Can you gain muscle while eating at maintenance calories if you’re getting adequate protein and have body fat to spare?
Episode 54: P-Ratios, Ischemic Preconditioning, and Q&A
Research Review: P-Ratios and Hypertrophy
Episode 54: P-Ratios, Ischemic Preconditioning, and Q&A
For body comp and performance purposes, what are your thoughts on “behavior based” dietary interventions, rather than focusing solely on macro targets?
Episode 49: Protein & Kidney Function; Cholesterol & Training Adaptations
Does cortisol really impact body composition and fat storage?
Episode 50: Q&A: Cortisol, Hydration, Anti-Nutrients, and Deadlift Recovery
Do you buy the idea that certain ethnicities have a genetic tendency to store fat in different places?
Episode 44: Caffeine Genes, Brown Adipose Tissue, Concurrent Training, and Hangovers
What are the biggest mistakes you see people make when they have an unsuccessful diet attempt? (with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon)
Behavior Change and Eating Habits with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon
Are eating habits particularly hard to change? How do we successfully change them? (with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon)
Behavior Change and Eating Habits with Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon
Discussion on bulking, post-cut weight gain, and diet history (with Jeff Nippard)
Interview with Jeff Nippard: On genetic limits, FFMI, training, and nutrition
Discussion on FFMI and genetics (with Jeff Nippard)
Interview with Jeff Nippard: On genetic limits, FFMI, training, and nutrition
Are standing desks scientifically any better for athletes then sitting all day and how is that quantifiable?
Episode 35: Metabolic Rate, Artificial Sweeteners, Electromyography, and Non-Failure Training
I’ve heard that having additional muscle mass can have effects on metabolism. Is this true?
Episode 35: Metabolic Rate, Artificial Sweeteners, Electromyography, and Non-Failure Training
What percentage of guys do you think can achieve a fat-free mass index above 25?
Episode 34: Cell Swelling, Genetic Ceilings, Touch-and-Go Deadlifts, and Load-Specific Adaptations
Body composition measurement: What are the most accurate methods? How bad is too bad for individual use? (With James Krieger)
Episode 30: Fructose, Knee Sleeves, Weight Loss Variability, and James Krieger
Is body mass index (BMI) still accurate for people who are much taller (or shorter) than average?
Episode 25: Q&A: Rest Periods, Deadlifts, Bulking, and Hypertrophy for Powerlifters
What is a “set point” for body fat or body weight? Can we reset it?
Episode 10: Coaching Cues, Fat-Free Mass Index, Non-Responders, and Dr. Brad Dieter
How can a person get their body fat percentage accurately estimated?
Episode 12: Bench Press, Intermittent Fasting, Body Composition Testing, and Dr. Grant Tinsley
Are body composition tests useful for the typical lifter? If so, how can people get their body composition tested in a reliable manner?
Episode 12: Bench Press, Intermittent Fasting, Body Composition Testing, and Dr. Grant Tinsley
What’s up with these new 3-D body composition scanners? What are some potential uses?
Episode 12: Bench Press, Intermittent Fasting, Body Composition Testing, and Dr. Grant Tinsley