

Marine Corps lightweight powerlifter completes a squat.

Hamstrings: The Most Overrated Muscle for the Squat 2.0

What you’re getting yourself into 2,100 words 7-14 minute read time. If you’d rather watch than read, there are both a video and a graphic covering the same information at the end of the article. Key Points 1. In general, the body utilizes single-joint muscles before two-joint muscles really kick in.  This makes movement more efficient. 2. At the bottom of the squat, overactive hamstrings make the movement unnecessarily difficult, so squatting in a manner […]

Hamstrings: The Most Overrated Muscle for the Squat 2.0 Read More »

Fixing the Good-Morning Squat

The good-morning squat is a common problem, and one I get asked about frequently enough that it was worth explaining what’s happening and how to fix it in a blog post. For those of you who don’t know, a good-morning squat is ostensibly a squat, but when the lifter starts coming out of the hole, their butt shoots straight up, so instead of squatting the weight up, they end up using their hamstrings, glutes, and

Fixing the Good-Morning Squat Read More »

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