Here, we’ve compiled all of the training topics discussed and questions answered on the podcast along with time-stamped links so you can quickly jump around and find the content you’re most interested in.
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All training questions
- Programming and Exercise Selection
- If you were building a long-term program for someone who was interested in general, overall strength, which 3-6 exercises would you choose?
- For someone interested in general strength, fitness, and athleticism, what tests would you use to periodically assess their progress? Call it the “SBS Combine.”
- What are your thoughts on the recent trend of “optimizing” exercises so as to “take advantage of anatomy”?
- Is benching with a low incline (8-15 degrees) a suitable way to reduce strain on the shoulders while effectively targeting the pectoralis major and anterior deltoid?
- I deadlift on a platform with a 5% incline. It feels pretty awkward, and seems to be negatively impacting my training loads. Is deadlifting on an incline actually affecting my deadlift numbers, or is it just in my head?
- Are lateral raises enough to grow the medial portion of the deltoids, or do you need to do some kind of shoulder press or upright row variation?
- Combining ROMs for larger strength gains?
- Accommodating resistance (bands and chains)
- Research Review: Plyometrics for hypertrophy
- Stretch-mediated hypertrophy: Can stretching directly cause muscle growth?
- Individual responses versus group responses in resistance training
- How much do muscle growth and strength gains differ between people?
- Research Review: Time off from training
- SBS Article Discussion: The Most Commonly Neglected Movements and Muscles (and Exercises to Address Weak Links)
- Coach’s Corner: HIIT programming
- Hyperventilation
- Coach’s Corner: HIIT Protocols
- Q&A: How to retain muscle while cutting
- Coach’s Corner: joint-friendly warm-up strategies
- Responding to feedback about exercise and mortality
- Is the sumo deadlift cheating?
- Attentional Focus May Influence Strength Development
- How much does one’s volume for any given muscle affect (positively or negatively) hypertrophy for other muscles?
- If overall volume and intensity are equated, is doing 5 different exercises for a particular muscle group more effective (for hypertrophy) than doing a single exercise for that muscle group?
- How should you train to maximize bone density?
- Do you really need to balance your “pushing” and “pulling” volume to keep your shoulders healthy and pain-free?
- Q&A: Would “micro-workouts” be helpful for building muscle? For example, getting 100 daily reps of bicep curls by doing 10 sets of 10 throughout the day.
- Q&A: On the topic of “junk volume” – what are your thoughts on a maximum number of sets per session for a given muscle group?
- Have there been attempts to quantify the benefits associated with personalizing/individualizing training programs?
- How important is “optimizing” biomechanics for hypertrophy?
- Partial Range of Motion Training Might Increase Muscle Growth (If You Do the Right Type of Partials)
- Does Eccentric Training Always Cause More Muscle Damage?
- “If I’m not in a hurry to get somewhere in my fitness journey, what would happen if I just progress incrementally by adding half (or even a quarter of) a pound to the bar each week, and concentrate on good form, technique, and contraction?”
- “In terms of training, what’s the most I can get done in the least amount of time?”
- I’m on a 2-week vacation. How bad could fat gain/muscle loss be?
- If there is to be another major breakthrough in powerlifting training, which area of training do you see it being?
- SBS Article Discussion: Reverse Nordic curls
- Research Roundup: Blood flow restricted training
- If you aren’t primarily focused on increasing 1RM, should you still arch your back while bench pressing?
- Is training volume the main driver for hypertrophy?
- Research Review: Training frequency for strength gains
- How should older folks train if their goal is maintaining/improving daily functioning and mitigating bone/muscle loss?
- Better for hypertrophy: straight sets with final set to failure, or target RPE with variable rep number?
- Best tendon strengthening protocol?
- What’s the most ludicrous programming or workout you’ve ever heard of or seen with your own eyes?
- Research Roundup: Effects of strength on hypertrophy potential
- Research Roundup: Squat sticking point
- Research Roundup: Training frequency
- How hard should you train?
- How do you periodize bodybuilding training?
- Is training for strength and hypertrophy simultaneously really useless?
- Do the triceps become the prime movers when you get near maximal bench press loads?
- Should volume, intensity, and/or frequency of training be titrated based on whether one is cutting or bulking?
- Research Review: Ischemic Preconditioning
- Research Roundup – Strength blocks to enhance hypertrophy
- Research Roundup – Preceding a Hypertrophy Phase with a Strength Phase
- How can we re-sensitize our muscles to hypertrophy?
- Why is deadlifting considered more fatiguing than squatting?
- A Progression Framework for Hypertrophy
- Is flywheel training good for hypertrophy?
- Effects of Horizontal and Incline Bench Press on Neuromuscular Adaptations in Untrained Young Men
- How to progress load throughout a mesocycle
- How should we approach kids/adolescents and resistance training? How young is too young? Are there additional safety concerns?
- Can I spread my training throughout the entire day instead of doing everything within a 60-90 minute “workout” period?
- High-frequency training (with Jeff Nippard)
- What’s the latest on strength and isometrics? Given gym closures and my limited home equipment, I’m thinking of using isometrics to help maintain strength on the squat, bench, and deadlift.
- I have been squatting 2 or 3 times a week for the last year. Is it reasonable to expect to continue progressing while only squatting once a week? How should I structure it to get the most out of it?
- Effect of acute antagonist static stretching on upper-body agonist power
- Are programs limited by our natural tendency to think in weeks? Could it be beneficial to have microcycles that last, for example, 5 days or 9 days?.
- Home-based workouts with no (or minimal) equipment.
- Should long-limbed lifters train differently than lifters with more typical proportions? Does this advice change if the focus is strength versus hypertrophy?
- Is there enough evidence to justify modifying training to include some bench pressing with a particularly long range of motion? For example, adding in some bench pressing with a flatter back arch and narrower grip?
- What is Greg’s stance on the conjugate method for raw lifters? How would he adjust it, if necessary, for a raw lifter?
- Research Roundup – Non-failure training for strength
- When combining unilateral and bilateral training in the same session, is it more advantageous to do unilateral or bilateral first?
- Coach’s Corner – Programming your training during weight loss
- What do you think about Brian Minor’s theory that being able to lift more is a result of hypertrophy, rather than hypertrophy being a result of lifting heavier?
- RPE (rating of perceived exertion) and RIR (repetitions in reserve) have become increasingly popular training concepts in recent years. Is this a double-edged sword? Are people using them in ways you didn’t foresee, or misusing them in ways that you find frustrating? (with Mike Tuchscherer)
- Hot Off the Presses: Effective Reps
- Is there any reason to believe that changing exercises circumvents the diminishing returns observed with completing several sets of the same exercise?
- Are machines better or worse than free weights for hypertrophy?
- We know that bone mineral density improves with weight training. Is there any reason to believe that purposefully improving bone mass could be a way to improve muscle mass and strength? Is it even possible to prioritize bone mass accretion in this manner?
- Do you think most bodybuilders would benefit from adopting certain aspects of powerlifting training? (With Ben Pollack)
- Do you think most powerlifters would benefit from adopting certain aspects of bodybuilding training? (With Ben Pollack)
- As someone who has a foot in both communities, what are things that bodybuilders don’t understand about powerlifting? What are things that powerlifters don’t understand about bodybuilders? (With Ben Pollack)
- How do you generally set up a powerbuilding program? How does it change as short-term focus shifts from one sport to the other? (With Ben Pollack)
- How do you ease into a high volume, hypertrophy-focused mesocycle after a powerlifting meet without losing your strength gains?
- How do you tweak a lifting program to break through plateaus and ensure continued progress?
- What’s your take on accommodating resistance for absolute strength?
- What are the technique requirements in powerlifting versus strongman?
- How do you balance general strength training versus event training in strongman?
- Most powerlifters and bodybuilders think in terms of sets and reps. How do you program for events like carries and holds?
- In a good powerlifting program, how much time or volume should be spent on hypertrophy work, and how should this change based on training experience and in-season versus off-season training?
- I want to look jacked. How do I know if I am strong enough to be messing with bodybuilding-style training and accessory work? Should I just be focused on getting stronger until my main lifts are more competitive?
- How do Greg and Eric approach deloads? What do deloads look like? How often do we do them? Why do we do them?
- Do either of you have any recommendations for someone preparing for their first powerlifting meet?
- I have two powerlifting meets, separated four weeks apart. How do I train to be peaked for both of them?
- What are the best exercises for increasing quadriceps size and strength to help with squatting?
- Which training approach is preferable for strength: daily undulating periodization (DUP) within blocks, or high-frequency Norwegian-style training?
- What do the data say about training frequency for strength development?
- What exercise would you use for mechanical tension/overload for the chest when not doing the bench press?
- Do weighted thrusts help squats much?
- In terms of hypertrophy, how do routines with sets of 20-30 repetitions differ in comparison to a similar volume of sets in the 8-12 rep range?
- Do you have to squat to reach your ultimate deadlift potential?
- What exercises would you base a routine around for non-powerlifters?
- Do you still believe that planks increase hip mobility?
- What is the best resource for someone looking for corrective exercises for their particular faulty movement pattern?
- What is the best way to calculate volume for hypertrophy training?
- How important are warm-ups, and what constitutes an effective warm-up? What are some common misconceptions about warm-ups?
- Is it beneficial to include incline chest exercises in your program?
- How is the concept of functional overreaching applicable in a hypertrophy training block and how often would you advise to use this technique? How would you best reap the benefits of supercompensation following a successful overreaching period?
- What is the most pragmatic and valid way to objectively measure fatigue?
- Is there any benefit of adding electromyostimulation (EMS) to your training for strength or hypertrophy? If so, how should it be used?
- How do I prevent my traps from getting too big?
- Can we train to intentionally change the fiber type of a muscle?
- Which exercises are overrated? Which exercises are underrated?
- For the folks with anterior pelvic tilt, what are some tips for maintaining a neutral pelvis while squatting and deadlifting?
- Greg has previously talked about turning a good hypertrophy program into a good strength program by adding some singles. Practically speaking, how do you implement this strategy?
- Does volume or intensity drive strength gains?
- Is ‘junk volume’ a real thing?
- Is there any carry over or need to develop strength in the 1-5 rep range in order for that strength to be carried over into the 8-12 rep range for hypertrophy promotion?
- When in a caloric deficit, should you reduce training volume, or training intensity?
- How should you train for explosive activities, such as parkour?
- Should you change the way you train as you approach the age of 40 (and beyond)? How and why do performance and recovery change as we age?
- What does the research say about blood flow restriction training?
- What are some different strategies for peaking for a bodybuilding competition?
- How hard is it to transition from raw to equipped powerlifting? How long does it take to learn to use the equipment effectively and refine your technique?
- Which muscle groups are really targeted by the back squat?
- What are a lot of bodybuilders getting wrong these days? (Discussion: Ideal training frequency for bodybuilding)
- Is bodybuilding unhealthy? Should it be encouraged?
- What is the evidence for “effective reps”?
- What lifts do you use for training vs. competition?
- What is the best approach for increasing strength endurance (that is, increasing maximum reps for a given exercise)?
- What is the relationship between training frequency and recoverable volume? Spreading work across more sessions seems as if it would allow more to be done, but is a minimum volume per session necessary to get sufficient stimulus?
- What are the best ways to improve speed using resistance training?
- How important is it for trainees to experiment with different training styles to see what methods may work best for them? How would you recommend organizing an experimental period of training to see if for example you respond better to speed or power training and what should be measured/benchmarked against?
- What things have contributed most to your success in powerlifting/bodybuilding?
- What glaring weaknesses would a typical powerlifter or bodybuilder have if they wanted to transition to strongman?
- General Training Questions
- What’s the best way to train for bone health? Are plyometrics safe and effective for people in their 60s?
- Vibration plates
- Taxonomy of physical activity
- Benefits of physical activity
- Exercise snacks
- Step counts
- General physical activity guidelines
- High-intensity interval training versus low-intensity steady-state training
- Does listening to music improve exercise performance? If so, how or why?
- Can medical insulin (i.e., to treat diabetes) boost strength and/or hypertrophy?
- How do NSAIDs impact training adaptations?
- Is bench press the best gauge of raw physical strength? If not, what is?
- Research Review: The effects of lifting on mortality risk
- Any updates on the effects of cannabis on strength or hypertrophy?
- Why does the strict overhead press scale so hard with bodyweight compared to other lifts, particularly the jerk?
- What’s a training or nutrition strategy from the past that you’d like to see come back into style?
- Research Review: Sport psychology
- “How big of a deal are the negative effects of NSAIDs on hypertrophy?”
- Research Roundup: Modeling muscle growth, ankle mobility for squats, caffeine for women
- Is it possible to make “beginner gains” after years of training if you spent your first years of training with an ineffective approach to exercise and nutrition?
- Any thoughts about Pontzer’s “constrained energy model” and its implications for folks trying to use exercise to increase calorie burn?
- Research Review: Training Responders and Non-Responders
- Coach’s Corner: Vacation and time off from the gym
- Research Roundup: Impact of COVID-19 on training behaviors
- What are the connections between flexibility and hypertrophy or strength training?
- Does neck strength influence concussion risk?
- Do you think that new lifters might be better off by initially avoiding an “evidence-based” approach to training and nutrition?
- Do “altitude masks” enhance training adaptations?
- Should people generally do minimalist, barbell-only warmups before their workouts? Are more extensive warmups a waste of time and energy?
- Will blood tests for an avid lifter or natural bodybuilder reveal any expected abnormalities?
- Acute effects of cannabis consumption on exercise performance: a systematic and umbrella review
- Does being younger (16-19 years old) affect strength negatively?
- Categorizing lifters as “beginner,” “intermediate,” and beyond.
- Greg reviews several recent meta-analyses and systematic reviews
- If I was born with poor lifting genes, yet continued to perform resistance exercises out of passion, and then give birth to a child who inherited my poor genes, who also performed resistance exercise…how many generations of children would be needed before a noticeable difference in lifting-specific genes was present?
- Do you have any evidence based suggestions for a female who is looking to maintain muscle and gain strength without inducing further hypertrophy?
- What are your thoughts on touch-and-go deadlifts versus resetting every rep?
- What is the best way to achieve/plan for lifting goals going into the new year?
- Coach’s Corner: Changing health-related habits and behaviors
- What is physical culture? (With Ben Pollack)
- Why pursue physical culture as an academic pursuit? Why is it important? (With Ben Pollack)
- What are the roots of physical culture in the West? What are some major physical culture traditions elsewhere that people may not be aware of? (With Ben Pollack)
- How have opinions on strength training changed over time? How has media portrayal of strength training changed over time? (With Ben Pollack)
- “The Other Eric” (Helms) doesn’t appear to lift his chin all the way to the bar when doing pull-ups. For strength and hypertrophy goals, is it important to do so?
- Is completely eschewing the deadlift and all deadlift variations acceptable from a bodybuilding standpoint? If so, can you name a couple of accomplished bodybuilders who have reached their level without incorporating deadlifts into their training? To what extent can I make up for deadlift gains with a bunch of other exercises targeting the posterior chain, forearms, and upper traps?
- I’ve noticed that as my lifts have gotten stronger, my rest periods are becoming longer. What’s the mechanism behind that?
- What does the literature say about rest time between sets for maximizing hypertrophy versus maximizing strength? Is it possible to take too much or little?
- How does chronological age affect potential training status? Do you limit your potential by starting to lift later in life?
- What’s the best and most accurate way to track daily energy expenditure? Are Fitbits the best option?
- I’ve been lifting for many years, but I’m still far from my “genetic potential,” according to an online calculator. Am I advanced or intermediate?
- What are the chronic effects of resistance training on hormone levels?
- Do connective tissues display a delayed response to resistance training? If so, what does Greg know about it?
- When we do resistance exercise, how long does it take for hypertrophy to manifest?
- Do you know how intra-abdominal pressure is measured?
- I’ve read that having a lower body fat percentage is more conducive to building muscle/strength. Is there truth to this, or is the change in body function/hormones negligible between high and low body fat percentage?
- How possible is it that eccentric overload causes preferential hypertrophy of titin, meaning that people who only perform conventional training get a percentage of the available gains? What study designs/tools (blood markers, biopsies) would you use to test? If true, what kind of difference do you feel it would amount to?
- At what point do you see diminished returns when it comes to the health benefits of getting stronger?
- How do your genes, and even just knowing about your genes, affect your performance and physiology?
- Which makes a bigger difference: your actual genes, or your perception of your genetic predisposition? Is direct-to-consumer genetic testing a good idea for determining your athletic potential?
- How variable are responses to resistance training (strength, hypertrophy)?
- How do you find a strongman gym? How can you train for strongman if there’s not a strongman gym nearby? How do you find competitions in your area?
- Coaching
- Coach’s Corner: Troubleshooting weight loss plateaus
- Issues with “tough love” in coaching
- How to conduct an “energy audit”
- Coach’s Corner: Sticking Points
- Coach’s Corner
- How do you go about helping athletes find the best technique for themselves? (with Mike Tuchscherer)
- Since you’ve coached so many world-class lifters, what are signs a lifter is nearing their ultimate limits? What do you think ultimately limits progress? (with Mike Tuchscherer)
- How do you help clients that struggle with motivation, emotional decision-making, or taking responsibility for their decisions?
- Can you improve your lifting technique by overexaggerating cues?
- What are some mistakes that coaches make when working with beginners?
- Belts, Shoes, and Lifting Gear
- Research Review: Cooling gloves
- Research Review: Technologies for measuring bar velocity
- Do mouthguards impact performance?
- Lifting belts
- What is your take on using chains or bands, specifically when the goal is hypertrophy?
- Hot Off The Press (Research Roundup) – Greg’s knee sleeve hypothesis.
- What are the benefits of using weightlifting shoes (with an elevated heel) for squat and leg press?
- Which is better: 10mm or 13mm belt?
- For an advanced lifter, is beltless training useless?
- Sex Differences
- SBS Article Discussion: Where are all the Female Participants in Strength, Hypertrophy, and Supplement Research?
- Do findings from male participants typically generalize to female participants?
- Why more research with female participants is needed
- The Bench Press May Target Different Muscles in Male and Female Lifters
- Much of sport science studies are conducted on young males. Are there any studies/areas in particular that we have reasons to think female physiology would give different results?
- Most research uses men as a sample population. Do you think that the findings apply to women in equal measure?
- How do birth control and menstrual cycle hormones affect periodization? Should I program with that in mind?
- Do men and women experience the same performance effects from caffeine?
- What is the gap between male research and female research in exercise science?
- What are some unique challenges or social pressures that women experience in strength sports?
- What are some steps that people can take to help shift attitudes and help women feel more comfortable in strength sports and other fitness communities?
- What did Greg uncover doing his master’s research on sex differences in fatigue and recovery?
- Concurrent Training and Cardio
- Concurrent training and the interference effect
- Best practices for concurrent training
- Basic guidelines for intensity and duration (per session of cardio)
- Q&A: Is there a point of diminishing returns when it comes to weight loss and walking?
- Research Review: Does running increase aortic stiffness in men?
- Coach’s Corner: HIIT programming
- Research Review: Sedentary Time
- MET levels and physical activity
- Exercise snacks
- The Interference Effect is Getting Less Scary by the Day
- Research Roundup: the multifaceted benefits of walking
- Walking – general health and wellness implications
- Sedentary time – body composition and performance implications
- Research Review: Revisiting concurrent training and the interference effect
- Is interval training better than steady state cardio for body composition purposes?
- What are your personal and professional opinions on designated bouts of low-intensity cardio at a certain percentage of maximum heart rate versus step counts? Would either option be superior to the other?
- Does the Interference Effect Get Larger as Training Status Increases?
- Positive aspects of cardio and physical activity
- What do Greg and Eric’s cardio routines look like? Have they ever competed in endurance sports?
- Can you HIIT yourself into marathon shape?
- What are some indicators that one needs extra conditioning for strength and hypertrophy?
- Penalty: Reduction in Gains for Interference (with Mike Zourdos)
- Research Roundup – Adaptations to strength training differ between endurance-trained and untrained women
- Advice for reducing the interference effect for recreational lifters?
- Can your aerobic fitness level hinder your progress in a strength training program?
- What are the best ways to do concurrent training (i.e., combining cardio with resistance training)?
- Muscle Physiology
- Is “Mechanical Activation of Fast-Twitch Fibers” Truly the Strongest Predictor of Hypertrophy?
- Research Review: Fatigue mechanisms
- The major challenges (and low success rates) of mechanistic speculation
- An Update on Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy
- How much can muscle fiber type vary between individuals? What factors determine or influence an individual’s fiber type distribution? How can an individual determine their approximate fiber type ratio for a given muscle, and how would this influence their approach to training?
- Q&A: What is the proposed mechanism by which working muscles at longer muscle lengths produces more hypertrophy?
- Are there types of muscles that are resistant to hypertrophy?
- Research Roundup – Biological factors that may limit muscle fiber growth
- Research Roundup – Modest Glycogen Depletion May Impact Lifting Performance More Than You Think
- Research Roundup – Muscle Memory
- Research Roundup – Lactate
- The Evidence for Myonuclear Muscle Memory May be Murkier Than Commonly Believed
- When we talk about CNS fatigue, what are we actually talking about mechanistically? Is there anything we can specifically do to improve CNS recovery?
- Applications and limitations of EMG research (with Jeff Nippard)
- Do you need to worry about your muscle fiber type when it comes to power and rate of force development? From a training perspective, what can be done to improve power and rate of force development? (1:10:31).
- Does mouthwash affect blood pressure and muscle pumps by altering nitric oxide production?
- Research Review about factors influencing muscle protein synthesis
- Questions about EMG, stemming from the recent Barbalho study.
- Resistance Exercise-induced Changes in Muscle Phenotype Are Load Dependent.
- Passive muscle tension increases in proportion to intramuscular fluid volume.
- Is anyone looking into how we can increase our overall potential for muscle growth by boosting hyperplasia?
- What is Greg’s take on the current state of the literature regarding the myonuclear domain theory and hypertrophy? Has he updated his position or recommendations since he published his “Grow Like a Newbie” article back in 2015?
- Is it possible to speculate that the diminished return from ‘training too hard’ can partly be explained by the magnitude of muscle protein breakdown exceeding the maximum magnitude of muscle protein synthesis that your body can stimulate in a single training session?
- How do you feel about recent opinion papers suggesting that the change in muscle size over a training career is virtually unrelated to changes in strength? (With Ben Pollack)
- Research Roundup – Phototherapy
- Research Roundup – Muscle Glycogen Replenishment
- Why are satellite cells and myonuclei important for muscle physiology?
- Why do so many studies measure satellite cells instead of myonuclei?
- What is muscle memory?
- To what degree is satellite cell activation predictive of the accumulation of myonuclei? What are the mechanisms that contribute to myonuclear accretion? Are there important physiological roles of satellite cells that do not become activated?
- Why do muscles eventually stop growing?
- What are the implications of the recent news about histone lactylation linking metabolism and gene regulation?
- What are the effects of phototherapy on exercise performance and recovery from exercise?
- Women’s Health
- Lifting during pregnancy
- Responding to feedback about oral contraceptives
- SBS Article Discussion: Do Oral Contraceptives Affect Your Gains?
- Does hypothalamic amenorrhea impact hypertrophy? If eating at maintenance (or in a caloric surplus), does hypothalamic amenorrhea still have a negative impact on hypertrophy and athletic performance?
- Pelvic health (incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic floor dysfunction, and more) with Marika Hart and Molly Galbraith
- Unbelievable prevalence statistics related to pelvic health in female athletes (with Marika Hart and Molly Galbraith)
- Lifting and pregnancy: First trimester (with Marika Hart and Molly Galbraith)
- Lifting and pregnancy: Second trimester (with Marika Hart and Molly Galbraith)
- Lifting and pregnancy: Third trimester (with Marika Hart and Molly Galbraith)
- Lifting and pregnancy: After childbirth (with Marika Hart and Molly Galbraith)
- Other “blind spots” that male coaches should know about (with Marika Hart and Molly Galbraith)
Programming and Exercise Selection
If you were building a long-term program for someone who was interested in general, overall strength, which 3-6 exercises would you choose?
Episode 106: Q&A: Exercise Selection, Fitness Testing, and Work-Life Balance
For someone interested in general strength, fitness, and athleticism, what tests would you use to periodically assess their progress? Call it the “SBS Combine.”
Episode 106: Q&A: Exercise Selection, Fitness Testing, and Work-Life Balance
What are your thoughts on the recent trend of “optimizing” exercises so as to “take advantage of anatomy”?
Episode 106: Q&A: Exercise Selection, Fitness Testing, and Work-Life Balance
Is benching with a low incline (8-15 degrees) a suitable way to reduce strain on the shoulders while effectively targeting the pectoralis major and anterior deltoid?
Episode 106: Q&A: Exercise Selection, Fitness Testing, and Work-Life Balance
I deadlift on a platform with a 5% incline. It feels pretty awkward, and seems to be negatively impacting my training loads. Is deadlifting on an incline actually affecting my deadlift numbers, or is it just in my head?
Episode 106: Q&A: Exercise Selection, Fitness Testing, and Work-Life Balance
Are lateral raises enough to grow the medial portion of the deltoids, or do you need to do some kind of shoulder press or upright row variation?
Episode 104: Q&A: Deltoid Training, NSAIDs, Controversial Fitness Opinions, and More
Combining ROMs for larger strength gains?
Episode 102: Partial ROM Training for Strength, and Protein Requirements for Muscle Growth
Accommodating resistance (bands and chains)
Episode 101: Accommodating Resistance for Power; Net Energy Cost of Exercise
Research Review: Plyometrics for hypertrophy
- Effects of plyometric vs. resistance training on skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A review
- Effect of Plyometric Jump Training on Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy in Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review With Multilevel Meta-Analysis
- Effects of Plyometric Training on Lower Body Muscle Architecture, Tendon Structure, Stiffness and Physical Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Smith Machine Curl Throw by Jim Stoppani
Episode 94: Intuitive Eating, Plyometrics for Hypertrophy, and a Sauna Update
Stretch-mediated hypertrophy: Can stretching directly cause muscle growth?
- Can stretching directly cause muscle growth?
- Stronger By Science Research Spotlight post on Instagram
- Effect of range of motion in heavy load squatting on muscle and tendon adaptations
- Partial range of motion training elicits favorable improvements in muscular adaptations when carried out at long muscle lengths
- Muscle Architectural and Functional Adaptations Following 12-Weeks of Stretching in Adolescent Female Athletes
- Stretch training induces unequal adaptation in muscle fascicles and thickness in medial and lateral gastrocnemii
- Influence of Long-Lasting Static Stretching on Maximal Strength, Muscle Thickness and Flexibility
Episode 96: Stretch-Mediated Hypertrophy and Reverse Dieting
Individual responses versus group responses in resistance training
Episode 97: Individual Responses to Training and Protein Quality
How much do muscle growth and strength gains differ between people?
Episode 99: Differences in Gains Between Individuals, and What You Can Do About It
Research Review: Time off from training
- Effect of training cessation on muscular performance: A meta-analysis
- Delayed myonuclear addition, myofiber hypertrophy, and increases in strength with high-frequency low-load blood flow restricted training to volitional failure
- Effect of Immobilisation on Neuromuscular Function In Vivo in Humans: A Systematic Review
- Exercise dosing to retain resistance training adaptations in young and older adults
- How To Return To Strength Training After An Extended Break
Episode 93: Cheat Meals, Sauna, and Time Off From Training
SBS Article Discussion: The Most Commonly Neglected Movements and Muscles (and Exercises to Address Weak Links)
Episode 92: Turkesterone, Carb Overfeeding, and Commonly Neglected Muscles
Coach’s Corner: HIIT programming
- High-intensity interval training for health benefits and care of cardiac diseases – The key to an efficient exercise protocol
- Endurance Training Intensity Does Not Mediate Interference to Maximal Lower-Body Strength Gain during Short-Term Concurrent Training
- Central and peripheral fatigue following non-exhaustive and exhaustive exercise of disparate metabolic demands
- Exercise-induced muscle damage following a bout of sport specific repeated sprints
Episode 90: Fatigue Mechanisms, HIIT Programming, and Sex Disparities in Research
Episode 89: Buffering Strategies, Calorie Counting, and Estimating TDEE
Coach’s Corner: HIIT Protocols
Episode 88: Sedentary Time, Mating Success, and HIIT Protocols
Q&A: How to retain muscle while cutting
- Effect of two different weight-loss rates on body composition and strength and power-related performance in elite athletes
- Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: When One Study Is Just not Enough
- Lean mass sparing in resistance-trained athletes during caloric restriction: the role of resistance training volume
Episode 87: Modified OMAD, Joint-Friendly Warm-Ups, and Muscle Retention While Cutting
Coach’s Corner: joint-friendly warm-up strategies
Episode 87: Modified OMAD, Joint-Friendly Warm-Ups, and Muscle Retention While Cutting
Responding to feedback about exercise and mortality
Episode 86: Dietary Fiber, Responses to Feedback, and Encouraging Exercise
Is the sumo deadlift cheating?
Episode 85: Sumo Deadlifts, Procrastination, and Oral Contraceptives
Attentional Focus May Influence Strength Development
How much does one’s volume for any given muscle affect (positively or negatively) hypertrophy for other muscles?
Episode 83: Lifting & Mortality, Global Versus Localized Hypertrophy, and Pre-Sleep Meals
If overall volume and intensity are equated, is doing 5 different exercises for a particular muscle group more effective (for hypertrophy) than doing a single exercise for that muscle group?
Episode 79: Protein Digestion Speed, Bone Density, Push-Pull Ratios
How should you train to maximize bone density?
Episode 79: Protein Digestion Speed, Bone Density, Push-Pull Ratios
Do you really need to balance your “pushing” and “pulling” volume to keep your shoulders healthy and pain-free?
Episode 79: Protein Digestion Speed, Bone Density, Push-Pull Ratios
Q&A: Would “micro-workouts” be helpful for building muscle? For example, getting 100 daily reps of bicep curls by doing 10 sets of 10 throughout the day.
Episode 76: Fish Oil, Body-Fat Set Points, and Junk Volume
Q&A: On the topic of “junk volume” – what are your thoughts on a maximum number of sets per session for a given muscle group?
Episode 76: Fish Oil, Body-Fat Set Points, and Junk Volume
Have there been attempts to quantify the benefits associated with personalizing/individualizing training programs?
- Effectiveness of an Individualized Training Based on Force-Velocity Profiling during Jumping
- Effect of direct supervision of a strength coach on measures of muscular strength and power in young rugby league players
- Influence of supervision ratio on muscle adaptations to resistance training in nontrained subjects
- The influence of direct supervision of resistance training on strength performance
How important is “optimizing” biomechanics for hypertrophy?
Episode 70: Reverse Dieting, Bodybuilding Mortality, and Optimizing Biomechanics
Partial Range of Motion Training Might Increase Muscle Growth (If You Do the Right Type of Partials)
- Partial Range of Motion Training Elicits Favorable Improvements in Muscular Adaptations When Carried Out at Long Muscle Lengths. Pedrosa et al. (2021)
- Elbow Joint Angles in Elbow Flexor Unilateral Resistance Exercise Training Determine Its Effects on Muscle Strength and Thickness of Trained and Non-trained Arms. Sato et al. (2021)
Episode 69: Partial ROM, Intra-Workout Carbs, MASS Research Roundup
Does Eccentric Training Always Cause More Muscle Damage?
- Eccentric Exercise Per Se Does Not Affect Muscle Damage Biomarkers: Early and Late Phase Adaptations. Margaritelis et al. (2020)
Episode 69: Partial ROM, Intra-Workout Carbs, MASS Research Roundup
“If I’m not in a hurry to get somewhere in my fitness journey, what would happen if I just progress incrementally by adding half (or even a quarter of) a pound to the bar each week, and concentrate on good form, technique, and contraction?”
Episode 68: Cooling Gloves, Cardio Considerations, and Protein in Aging
“In terms of training, what’s the most I can get done in the least amount of time?”
Episode 68: Cooling Gloves, Cardio Considerations, and Protein in Aging
I’m on a 2-week vacation. How bad could fat gain/muscle loss be?
Episode 66: Refeeds, Diet Breaks, Fructose, and Sodium
If there is to be another major breakthrough in powerlifting training, which area of training do you see it being?
Episode 66: Refeeds, Diet Breaks, Fructose, and Sodium
SBS Article Discussion: Reverse Nordic curls
Episode 67: Calorie Restriction, Protein Restriction, App Updates
Research Roundup: Blood flow restricted training
- Effect of resistance training with blood flow restriction on muscle damage markers in adults: A systematic review
- Frequent blood flow restricted training not to failure and to failure induces similar gains in myonuclei and muscle mass
- Effects of exercise training with blood flow restriction on vascular function in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Episode 63: Metabolic Rate, Blood Flow Restricted Training, and Turkesterone
If you aren’t primarily focused on increasing 1RM, should you still arch your back while bench pressing?
Bonus Live Q&A: Energy Constraint Model, Training Volume, Creatine Kinase Levels, and More
Is training volume the main driver for hypertrophy?
Bonus Live Q&A: Energy Constraint Model, Training Volume, Creatine Kinase Levels, and More
Research Review: Training frequency for strength gains
Episode 62: Energy Deficiency, Training Frequency, and Beginner Gains
How should older folks train if their goal is maintaining/improving daily functioning and mitigating bone/muscle loss?
Episode 61: Responders, Non-Responders, and Fish Oil
Better for hypertrophy: straight sets with final set to failure, or target RPE with variable rep number?
Episode 60: Capsaicin, Multivitamins, and Time Off
Best tendon strengthening protocol?
Episode 59: Beta-Alanine, Training Frequency, and Strength for Hypertrophy
What’s the most ludicrous programming or workout you’ve ever heard of or seen with your own eyes?
Episode 59: Beta-Alanine, Training Frequency, and Strength for Hypertrophy
Research Roundup: Effects of strength on hypertrophy potential
Study link
Episode 59: Beta-Alanine, Training Frequency, and Strength for Hypertrophy
Research Roundup: Squat sticking point
Study link
Episode 59: Beta-Alanine, Training Frequency, and Strength for Hypertrophy
Research Roundup: Training frequency
Study link
Episode 59: Beta-Alanine, Training Frequency, and Strength for Hypertrophy
How hard should you train?
How do you periodize bodybuilding training?
Is training for strength and hypertrophy simultaneously really useless?
Episode 57: Caffeinated Naps, Intuitive Eating, and Q&A Catch-Up
Do the triceps become the prime movers when you get near maximal bench press loads?
- Effect of Barbell Weight on the Structure of the Flat Bench Press
- Varying the Order of Combinations of Single- and Multi-Joint Exercises Differentially Affects Resistance Training Adaptations
- Variety is the Spice of Life: If You Want Well-Rounded Triceps Growth, You Need Both Compound and Single-Joint Exercises (MASS subscription required)
Episode 57: Caffeinated Naps, Intuitive Eating, and Q&A Catch-Up
Should volume, intensity, and/or frequency of training be titrated based on whether one is cutting or bulking?
Episode 55: BMI, Plant-Based Protein, Stretching, and Mouthguards
Research Review: Ischemic Preconditioning
Episode 54: P-Ratios, Ischemic Preconditioning, and Q&A
Research Roundup – Strength blocks to enhance hypertrophy
Study discussed: Is stronger better? Influence of a strength phase followed by a hypertrophy phase on muscular adaptations in resistance-trained men.
Episode 53: Protein, Fish Oil, Glycogen, and What Limits Muscle Growth
Research Roundup – Preceding a Hypertrophy Phase with a Strength Phase
Article discussed: Is stronger better? Influence of a strength phase followed by a hypertrophy phase on muscular adaptations in resistance-trained men.
Episode 52: Protein, Lactate, and Strength Phases to Boost Hypertrophy
How can we re-sensitize our muscles to hypertrophy?
Episode 50: Q&A: Cortisol, Hydration, Anti-Nutrients, and Deadlift Recovery
Why is deadlifting considered more fatiguing than squatting?
Episode 50: Q&A: Cortisol, Hydration, Anti-Nutrients, and Deadlift Recovery
A Progression Framework for Hypertrophy
- MASS article.
- Papers discussed: One, Two.
Episode 51: 2020’s Most Notable Research (with guests Eric Helms and Mike Zourdos)
Is flywheel training good for hypertrophy?
Episode 48: Breakfast, Glycine, Muscle Knots, and Trigger Points
Effects of Horizontal and Incline Bench Press on Neuromuscular Adaptations in Untrained Young Men
Episode 47 – Bench Angles, Appetitive Traits, and Mesocycle Progression
How to progress load throughout a mesocycle
Episode 47 – Bench Angles, Appetitive Traits, and Mesocycle Progression
How should we approach kids/adolescents and resistance training? How young is too young? Are there additional safety concerns?
Episode 46: Season Finale: Tons of New Meta-Analyses and Q&A Catch-Up
Can I spread my training throughout the entire day instead of doing everything within a 60-90 minute “workout” period?
Episode 46: Season Finale: Tons of New Meta-Analyses and Q&A Catch-Up
High-frequency training (with Jeff Nippard)
Interview with Jeff Nippard: On genetic limits, FFMI, training, and nutrition
What’s the latest on strength and isometrics? Given gym closures and my limited home equipment, I’m thinking of using isometrics to help maintain strength on the squat, bench, and deadlift.
Q&A: Training frequency, reducing caloric intake on rest days, and isometric training
I have been squatting 2 or 3 times a week for the last year. Is it reasonable to expect to continue progressing while only squatting once a week? How should I structure it to get the most out of it?
Q&A: Training frequency, reducing caloric intake on rest days, and isometric training
Effect of acute antagonist static stretching on upper-body agonist power
Episode 37: Heart Rate Variability, Antagonist Stretching, and Chrononutrition
Are programs limited by our natural tendency to think in weeks? Could it be beneficial to have microcycles that last, for example, 5 days or 9 days?.
Episode 37: Heart Rate Variability, Antagonist Stretching, and Chrononutrition
Home-based workouts with no (or minimal) equipment.
Episode 38: Immune Function, Home-Based Workouts, Fat Burners, and Lifting with Long Limbs
Should long-limbed lifters train differently than lifters with more typical proportions? Does this advice change if the focus is strength versus hypertrophy?
Episode 38: Immune Function, Home-Based Workouts, Fat Burners, and Lifting with Long Limbs
Is there enough evidence to justify modifying training to include some bench pressing with a particularly long range of motion? For example, adding in some bench pressing with a flatter back arch and narrower grip?
Episode 38: Immune Function, Home-Based Workouts, Fat Burners, and Lifting with Long Limbs
What is Greg’s stance on the conjugate method for raw lifters? How would he adjust it, if necessary, for a raw lifter?
Episode 36: Antioxidants, Injury Risk Factors, and the Conjugate Method
Research Roundup – Non-failure training for strength
Episode 35: Metabolic Rate, Artificial Sweeteners, Electromyography, and Non-Failure Training
When combining unilateral and bilateral training in the same session, is it more advantageous to do unilateral or bilateral first?
Episode 35: Metabolic Rate, Artificial Sweeteners, Electromyography, and Non-Failure Training
Coach’s Corner – Programming your training during weight loss
Episode 33: Doping, Collagen, Goals, and Hyperplasia
What do you think about Brian Minor’s theory that being able to lift more is a result of hypertrophy, rather than hypertrophy being a result of lifting heavier?
Episode 33: Doping, Collagen, Goals, and Hyperplasia
RPE (rating of perceived exertion) and RIR (repetitions in reserve) have become increasingly popular training concepts in recent years. Is this a double-edged sword? Are people using them in ways you didn’t foresee, or misusing them in ways that you find frustrating? (with Mike Tuchscherer)
Hot Off the Presses: Effective Reps
- Link to study
- Link to Stronger By Science article
- Link to previous discussion on the “effective reps” concept
Is there any reason to believe that changing exercises circumvents the diminishing returns observed with completing several sets of the same exercise?
Study referenced:1
Episode 29: Q&A: High Protein Diets, Hardgainers, Exercise Variety, and Bone Adaptations
Are machines better or worse than free weights for hypertrophy?
Study referenced:1
Episode 29: Q&A: High Protein Diets, Hardgainers, Exercise Variety, and Bone Adaptations
We know that bone mineral density improves with weight training. Is there any reason to believe that purposefully improving bone mass could be a way to improve muscle mass and strength? Is it even possible to prioritize bone mass accretion in this manner?
Study referenced:1
Episode 29: Q&A: High Protein Diets, Hardgainers, Exercise Variety, and Bone Adaptations
Do you think most bodybuilders would benefit from adopting certain aspects of powerlifting training? (With Ben Pollack)
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, & Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
Do you think most powerlifters would benefit from adopting certain aspects of bodybuilding training? (With Ben Pollack)
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, & Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
As someone who has a foot in both communities, what are things that bodybuilders don’t understand about powerlifting? What are things that powerlifters don’t understand about bodybuilders? (With Ben Pollack)
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, & Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
How do you generally set up a powerbuilding program? How does it change as short-term focus shifts from one sport to the other? (With Ben Pollack)
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, & Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
How do you ease into a high volume, hypertrophy-focused mesocycle after a powerlifting meet without losing your strength gains?
Episode 27: Q&A: Bands, Chains, Useful Supplements, and Tweaking Your Program
How do you tweak a lifting program to break through plateaus and ensure continued progress?
Episode 27: Q&A: Bands, Chains, Useful Supplements, and Tweaking Your Program
What’s your take on accommodating resistance for absolute strength?
Episode 27: Q&A: Bands, Chains, Useful Supplements, and Tweaking Your Program
What are the technique requirements in powerlifting versus strongman?
Episode 26: Protein, Fiber, Phototherapy, and Intro to Strongman with James Deffinbaugh
How do you balance general strength training versus event training in strongman?
Episode 26: Protein, Fiber, Phototherapy, and Intro to Strongman with James Deffinbaugh
Most powerlifters and bodybuilders think in terms of sets and reps. How do you program for events like carries and holds?
Episode 26: Protein, Fiber, Phototherapy, and Intro to Strongman with James Deffinbaugh
In a good powerlifting program, how much time or volume should be spent on hypertrophy work, and how should this change based on training experience and in-season versus off-season training?
Episode 25: Q&A: Rest Periods, Deadlifts, Bulking, and Hypertrophy for Powerlifters
I want to look jacked. How do I know if I am strong enough to be messing with bodybuilding-style training and accessory work? Should I just be focused on getting stronger until my main lifts are more competitive?
Episode 25: Q&A: Rest Periods, Deadlifts, Bulking, and Hypertrophy for Powerlifters
How do Greg and Eric approach deloads? What do deloads look like? How often do we do them? Why do we do them?
Episode 22: Red Meat, Deloads, and Pain with Dr. Michael Ray
Do either of you have any recommendations for someone preparing for their first powerlifting meet?
Episode 21: Q&A: BCAAs, Mini-Cuts, Sex Differences, and First Meet Tips
I have two powerlifting meets, separated four weeks apart. How do I train to be peaked for both of them?
Episode 19: Q&A: Fasted Training, Training Frequency, and How Much Research is Enough?
What are the best exercises for increasing quadriceps size and strength to help with squatting?
Episode 21: Q&A: BCAAs, Mini-Cuts, Sex Differences, and First Meet Tips
Which training approach is preferable for strength: daily undulating periodization (DUP) within blocks, or high-frequency Norwegian-style training?
Episode 19: Q&A: Fasted Training, Training Frequency, and How Much Research is Enough?
What do the data say about training frequency for strength development?
Episode 19: Q&A: Fasted Training, Training Frequency, and How Much Research is Enough?
What exercise would you use for mechanical tension/overload for the chest when not doing the bench press?
Episode 19: Q&A: Fasted Training, Training Frequency, and How Much Research is Enough?
Do weighted thrusts help squats much?
Episode 19: Q&A: Fasted Training, Training Frequency, and How Much Research is Enough?
In terms of hypertrophy, how do routines with sets of 20-30 repetitions differ in comparison to a similar volume of sets in the 8-12 rep range?
Episode 17: Q&A: Dreamer Bulks, Concurrent Training, Recovery Modalities, and Valuing Research
Do you have to squat to reach your ultimate deadlift potential?
Episode 15: Q&A: Keto, Rapid Fat Loss, Deadlifts, and Faulty Movement Patterns
What exercises would you base a routine around for non-powerlifters?
Episode 15: Q&A: Keto, Rapid Fat Loss, Deadlifts, and Faulty Movement Patterns
Do you still believe that planks increase hip mobility?
Episode 15: Q&A: Keto, Rapid Fat Loss, Deadlifts, and Faulty Movement Patterns
What is the best resource for someone looking for corrective exercises for their particular faulty movement pattern?
Episode 15: Q&A: Keto, Rapid Fat Loss, Deadlifts, and Faulty Movement Patterns
What is the best way to calculate volume for hypertrophy training?
Episode 13: Q&A: Warming Up, Calculating Volume, Assessing Fatigue, and Creatine Non-Responders
How important are warm-ups, and what constitutes an effective warm-up? What are some common misconceptions about warm-ups?
Episode 13: Q&A: Warming Up, Calculating Volume, Assessing Fatigue, and Creatine Non-Responders
Is it beneficial to include incline chest exercises in your program?
Episode 13: Q&A: Warming Up, Calculating Volume, Assessing Fatigue, and Creatine Non-Responders
How is the concept of functional overreaching applicable in a hypertrophy training block and how often would you advise to use this technique? How would you best reap the benefits of supercompensation following a successful overreaching period?
Episode 13: Q&A: Warming Up, Calculating Volume, Assessing Fatigue, and Creatine Non-Responders
What is the most pragmatic and valid way to objectively measure fatigue?
Episode 13: Q&A: Warming Up, Calculating Volume, Assessing Fatigue, and Creatine Non-Responders
Is there any benefit of adding electromyostimulation (EMS) to your training for strength or hypertrophy? If so, how should it be used?
Episode 11: Q&A: Lifting Shoes, Alcohol, and Over/Underrated Exercises
How do I prevent my traps from getting too big?
Episode 11: Q&A: Lifting Shoes, Alcohol, and Over/Underrated Exercises
Can we train to intentionally change the fiber type of a muscle?
Episode 11: Q&A: Lifting Shoes, Alcohol, and Over/Underrated Exercises
Which exercises are overrated? Which exercises are underrated?
Episode 11: Q&A: Lifting Shoes, Alcohol, and Over/Underrated Exercises
For the folks with anterior pelvic tilt, what are some tips for maintaining a neutral pelvis while squatting and deadlifting?
Greg has previously talked about turning a good hypertrophy program into a good strength program by adding some singles. Practically speaking, how do you implement this strategy?
Does volume or intensity drive strength gains?
Episode 7: Q&A: CBD, Junk Volume, Eccentric Training, and Building a Following in Fitness
Is ‘junk volume’ a real thing?
Episode 7: Q&A: CBD, Junk Volume, Eccentric Training, and Building a Following in Fitness
Is there any carry over or need to develop strength in the 1-5 rep range in order for that strength to be carried over into the 8-12 rep range for hypertrophy promotion?
Meta-analysis of high load vs. low-load training; similar hypertrophy in spite of different strength gains. Also worth noting that the theory behind reverse linear periodization (starting with low volume/high intensity and progressing to high volume/lower intensity) is that early strength gains will help lead to more hypertrophy, but that’s never panned out in the research (one example here).
Episode 5: Q&A: Dropping Weight, Building Strength to Promote Hypertrophy, and Training Around Pain
When in a caloric deficit, should you reduce training volume, or training intensity?
Localized depletion of stored glycogen.
Episode 5: Q&A: Dropping Weight, Building Strength to Promote Hypertrophy, and Training Around Pain
How should you train for explosive activities, such as parkour?
Individualized programming for people with force vs. velocity deficits.
Episode 5: Q&A: Dropping Weight, Building Strength to Promote Hypertrophy, and Training Around Pain
Should you change the way you train as you approach the age of 40 (and beyond)? How and why do performance and recovery change as we age?
Episode 3: Q&A: Beltless Training, Leucine, and the Health Benefits of Strength
What does the research say about blood flow restriction training?
Episode 1: Creatine, Genetics, and Dr. Peter Fitschen
What are some different strategies for peaking for a bodybuilding competition?
Episode 1: Creatine, Genetics, and Dr. Peter Fitschen
How hard is it to transition from raw to equipped powerlifting? How long does it take to learn to use the equipment effectively and refine your technique?
Which muscle groups are really targeted by the back squat?
Episode 8: Drug Testing, New Supplement Research, Squat Science, and Dr. Eric Helms
What are a lot of bodybuilders getting wrong these days? (Discussion: Ideal training frequency for bodybuilding)
Episode 8: Drug Testing, New Supplement Research, Squat Science, and Dr. Eric Helms
Is bodybuilding unhealthy? Should it be encouraged?
Episode 8: Drug Testing, New Supplement Research, Squat Science, and Dr. Eric Helms
What is the evidence for “effective reps”?
Episode 18: Effective Reps, Antioxidants, Optimal Training Volume, and Lauren Colenso-Semple
What lifts do you use for training vs. competition?
Episode 20: Reading Research, the Placebo Diet, Muscle Memory, and Alex Kolliari-Turner
What is the best approach for increasing strength endurance (that is, increasing maximum reps for a given exercise)?
Episode 23: Q&A: Carbs, Sodium, and Experimenting with Your Training
What is the relationship between training frequency and recoverable volume? Spreading work across more sessions seems as if it would allow more to be done, but is a minimum volume per session necessary to get sufficient stimulus?
Episode 23: Q&A: Carbs, Sodium, and Experimenting with Your Training
What are the best ways to improve speed using resistance training?
Episode 23: Q&A: Carbs, Sodium, and Experimenting with Your Training
How important is it for trainees to experiment with different training styles to see what methods may work best for them? How would you recommend organizing an experimental period of training to see if for example you respond better to speed or power training and what should be measured/benchmarked against?
Episode 23: Q&A: Carbs, Sodium, and Experimenting with Your Training
What things have contributed most to your success in powerlifting/bodybuilding?
Episode 5: Q&A: Dropping Weight, Building Strength to Promote Hypertrophy, and Training Around Pain
What glaring weaknesses would a typical powerlifter or bodybuilder have if they wanted to transition to strongman?
Episode 26: Protein, Fiber, Phototherapy, and Intro to Strongman with James Deffinbaugh
General Training Questions
What’s the best way to train for bone health? Are plyometrics safe and effective for people in their 60s?
Episode 119: Micronutrients Deserve More Attention
Vibration plates
Episode 115: Vibration plates, lifting during pregnancy, and a new era for the SBS podcast
Taxonomy of physical activity
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
Benefits of physical activity
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
Exercise snacks
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
Step counts
- Daily Step Count and All-Cause Mortality: A Dose-Response Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies
- Daily steps and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of 15 international cohorts
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
General physical activity guidelines
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
High-intensity interval training versus low-intensity steady-state training
- Slow and Steady, or Hard and Fast? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Studies Comparing Body Composition Changes between Interval Training and Moderate Intensity Continuous Training
- Extraordinary Claims in the Literature on High-Intensity Interval Training: II. Are the Extraordinary Claims Supported by Extraordinary Evidence? in: Kinesiology Review – Ahead of print
- Extraordinary claims in the literature on high-intensity interval training (HIIT): IV. Is HIIT associated with higher long-term exercise adherence? – ScienceDirect
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
Does listening to music improve exercise performance? If so, how or why?
Episode 105: Q&A: Ergogenic Effect of Music, Testosterone Replacement, and Misinformation in Fitness
Can medical insulin (i.e., to treat diabetes) boost strength and/or hypertrophy?
Episode 104: Q&A: Deltoid Training, NSAIDs, Controversial Fitness Opinions, and More
How do NSAIDs impact training adaptations?
- Antioxidants For Lifters: A Review Of The Evidence
- No Pain, No Gain? Examining the Influence of Ibuprofen Consumption on Muscle Hypertrophy
Episode 104: Q&A: Deltoid Training, NSAIDs, Controversial Fitness Opinions, and More
Is bench press the best gauge of raw physical strength? If not, what is?
Episode 104: Q&A: Deltoid Training, NSAIDs, Controversial Fitness Opinions, and More
Research Review: The effects of lifting on mortality risk
Episode 83: Lifting & Mortality, Global Versus Localized Hypertrophy, and Pre-Sleep Meals
Any updates on the effects of cannabis on strength or hypertrophy?
- Q&A: Warming Up, Calculating Volume, Assessing Fatigue, and Creatine Non-Responders
- Cannabis Use and Sport: A Systematic Review
- Cannabis and Athletic Performance
Episode 83: Lifting & Mortality, Global Versus Localized Hypertrophy, and Pre-Sleep Meals
Why does the strict overhead press scale so hard with bodyweight compared to other lifts, particularly the jerk?
Episode 83: Lifting & Mortality, Global Versus Localized Hypertrophy, and Pre-Sleep Meals
What’s a training or nutrition strategy from the past that you’d like to see come back into style?
Episode 79: Protein Digestion Speed, Bone Density, Push-Pull Ratios
Research Review: Sport psychology
Episode 76: Fish Oil, Body-Fat Set Points, and Junk Volume
“How big of a deal are the negative effects of NSAIDs on hypertrophy?”
Episode 68: Cooling Gloves, Cardio Considerations, and Protein in Aging
Research Roundup: Modeling muscle growth, ankle mobility for squats, caffeine for women
- Mathematical model predicts best way to build muscle
- Why exercise builds muscles: titin mechanosensing controls skeletal muscle growth under load
- Ankle mobility for squats – SBS Instagram post
- Ergogenic Effects of Acute Caffeine Intake on Muscular Endurance and Muscular Strength in Women: A Meta-Analysis
Episode 64: Constrained Energy, Modeling Hypertrophy, and Effects of Aging on Performance
Is it possible to make “beginner gains” after years of training if you spent your first years of training with an ineffective approach to exercise and nutrition?
Episode 62: Energy Deficiency, Training Frequency, and Beginner Gains
Any thoughts about Pontzer’s “constrained energy model” and its implications for folks trying to use exercise to increase calorie burn?
Constrained Total Energy Expenditure and Metabolic Adaptation to Physical Activity in Adult Humans
Episode 62: Energy Deficiency, Training Frequency, and Beginner Gains
Research Review: Training Responders and Non-Responders
Episode 61: Responders, Non-Responders, and Fish Oil
Coach’s Corner: Vacation and time off from the gym
How to Make Gains Without a Gym
Episode 60: Capsaicin, Multivitamins, and Time Off
Research Roundup: Impact of COVID-19 on training behaviors
Study link
Episode 59: Beta-Alanine, Training Frequency, and Strength for Hypertrophy
What are the connections between flexibility and hypertrophy or strength training?
Episode 55: BMI, Plant-Based Protein, Stretching, and Mouthguards
Does neck strength influence concussion risk?
Episode 55: BMI, Plant-Based Protein, Stretching, and Mouthguards
Do you think that new lifters might be better off by initially avoiding an “evidence-based” approach to training and nutrition?
Episode 54: P-Ratios, Ischemic Preconditioning, and Q&A
Do “altitude masks” enhance training adaptations?
Episode 50: Q&A: Cortisol, Hydration, Anti-Nutrients, and Deadlift Recovery
Should people generally do minimalist, barbell-only warmups before their workouts? Are more extensive warmups a waste of time and energy?
Episode 50: Q&A: Cortisol, Hydration, Anti-Nutrients, and Deadlift Recovery
Will blood tests for an avid lifter or natural bodybuilder reveal any expected abnormalities?
Episode 50: Q&A: Cortisol, Hydration, Anti-Nutrients, and Deadlift Recovery
Acute effects of cannabis consumption on exercise performance: a systematic and umbrella review
Episode 47 – Bench Angles, Appetitive Traits, and Mesocycle Progression
Does being younger (16-19 years old) affect strength negatively?
Episode 46: Season Finale: Tons of New Meta-Analyses and Q&A Catch-Up
Categorizing lifters as “beginner,” “intermediate,” and beyond.
Episode 46: Season Finale: Tons of New Meta-Analyses and Q&A Catch-Up
Greg reviews several recent meta-analyses and systematic reviews
- The effect of exercise interventions on resting metabolic rate: A systematic review and meta-analysis. MacKenzie-Shalders et al. (2020).
- The Placebo and Nocebo effect on sports performance: A systematic review. Hurst et al. (2019).
- A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Foam Rolling on Performance and Recovery. Wiewelhove et al. (2019).
- Acute Effects of Foam Rolling on Range of Motion in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review with Multilevel Meta-analysis. Wilke et al. (2019).
- Is tDCS an Adjunct Ergogenic Resource for Improving Muscular Strength and Endurance Performance? A Systematic Review. Machado et al. (2019).
Episode 46: Season Finale: Tons of New Meta-Analyses and Q&A Catch-Up
If I was born with poor lifting genes, yet continued to perform resistance exercises out of passion, and then give birth to a child who inherited my poor genes, who also performed resistance exercise…how many generations of children would be needed before a noticeable difference in lifting-specific genes was present?
Episode 35: Metabolic Rate, Artificial Sweeteners, Electromyography, and Non-Failure Training
Do you have any evidence based suggestions for a female who is looking to maintain muscle and gain strength without inducing further hypertrophy?
Episode 34: Cell Swelling, Genetic Ceilings, Touch-and-Go Deadlifts, and Load-Specific Adaptations
What are your thoughts on touch-and-go deadlifts versus resetting every rep?
Episode 34: Cell Swelling, Genetic Ceilings, Touch-and-Go Deadlifts, and Load-Specific Adaptations
What is the best way to achieve/plan for lifting goals going into the new year?
Episode 33: Doping, Collagen, Goals, and Hyperplasia
Coach’s Corner: Changing health-related habits and behaviors
What is physical culture? (With Ben Pollack)
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, & Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
Why pursue physical culture as an academic pursuit? Why is it important? (With Ben Pollack)
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, & Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
What are the roots of physical culture in the West? What are some major physical culture traditions elsewhere that people may not be aware of? (With Ben Pollack)
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, & Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
How have opinions on strength training changed over time? How has media portrayal of strength training changed over time? (With Ben Pollack)
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, & Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
“The Other Eric” (Helms) doesn’t appear to lift his chin all the way to the bar when doing pull-ups. For strength and hypertrophy goals, is it important to do so?
Episode 27: Q&A: Bands, Chains, Useful Supplements, and Tweaking Your Program
Is completely eschewing the deadlift and all deadlift variations acceptable from a bodybuilding standpoint? If so, can you name a couple of accomplished bodybuilders who have reached their level without incorporating deadlifts into their training? To what extent can I make up for deadlift gains with a bunch of other exercises targeting the posterior chain, forearms, and upper traps?
Episode 25: Q&A: Rest Periods, Deadlifts, Bulking, and Hypertrophy for Powerlifters
I’ve noticed that as my lifts have gotten stronger, my rest periods are becoming longer. What’s the mechanism behind that?
Episode 25: Q&A: Rest Periods, Deadlifts, Bulking, and Hypertrophy for Powerlifters
What does the literature say about rest time between sets for maximizing hypertrophy versus maximizing strength? Is it possible to take too much or little?
Episode 25: Q&A: Rest Periods, Deadlifts, Bulking, and Hypertrophy for Powerlifters
How does chronological age affect potential training status? Do you limit your potential by starting to lift later in life?
Episode 21: Q&A: BCAAs, Mini-Cuts, Sex Differences, and First Meet Tips
What’s the best and most accurate way to track daily energy expenditure? Are Fitbits the best option?
Episode 15: Q&A: Keto, Rapid Fat Loss, Deadlifts, and Faulty Movement Patterns
I’ve been lifting for many years, but I’m still far from my “genetic potential,” according to an online calculator. Am I advanced or intermediate?
Episode 11: Q&A: Lifting Shoes, Alcohol, and Over/Underrated Exercises
What are the chronic effects of resistance training on hormone levels?
Episode 11: Q&A: Lifting Shoes, Alcohol, and Over/Underrated Exercises
Do connective tissues display a delayed response to resistance training? If so, what does Greg know about it?
When we do resistance exercise, how long does it take for hypertrophy to manifest?
Do you know how intra-abdominal pressure is measured?
I’ve read that having a lower body fat percentage is more conducive to building muscle/strength. Is there truth to this, or is the change in body function/hormones negligible between high and low body fat percentage?
Episode 7: Q&A: CBD, Junk Volume, Eccentric Training, and Building a Following in Fitness
How possible is it that eccentric overload causes preferential hypertrophy of titin, meaning that people who only perform conventional training get a percentage of the available gains? What study designs/tools (blood markers, biopsies) would you use to test? If true, what kind of difference do you feel it would amount to?
Episode 7: Q&A: CBD, Junk Volume, Eccentric Training, and Building a Following in Fitness
At what point do you see diminished returns when it comes to the health benefits of getting stronger?
Episode 3: Q&A: Beltless Training, Leucine, and the Health Benefits of Strength
How do your genes, and even just knowing about your genes, affect your performance and physiology?
Episode 1: Creatine, Genetics, and Dr. Peter Fitschen
Which makes a bigger difference: your actual genes, or your perception of your genetic predisposition? Is direct-to-consumer genetic testing a good idea for determining your athletic potential?
Episode 1: Creatine, Genetics, and Dr. Peter Fitschen
How variable are responses to resistance training (strength, hypertrophy)?
Episode 14: Sleep, Response Heterogeneity, and Dr. Brandon Roberts
How do you find a strongman gym? How can you train for strongman if there’s not a strongman gym nearby? How do you find competitions in your area?
Episode 26: Protein, Fiber, Phototherapy, and Intro to Strongman with James Deffinbaugh
Coach’s Corner: Troubleshooting weight loss plateaus
- Adaptive thermogenesis in humans
- The Metabolic Adaptation Manual: Problems, Solutions, And Life After Weight Loss
- Daily energy expenditure through the human life course
- Energy compensation and adiposity in humans
- Energy compensation and metabolic adaptation: “The Biggest Loser” study reinterpreted
- Physical Activity and Total Daily Energy Expenditure in Older US Adults: Constrained versus Additive Models
- Acute Behavior of Oxygen Consumption, Lactate Concentrations, and Energy Expenditure During Resistance Training: Comparisons Among Three Intensities
- Homeostatic and non-homeostatic appetite control along the spectrum of physical activity levels: An updated perspective
Episode 77: Weight Loss Plateaus, Tough Love, and Energy Audits
Issues with “tough love” in coaching
Episode 77: Weight Loss Plateaus, Tough Love, and Energy Audits
How to conduct an “energy audit”
Episode 77: Weight Loss Plateaus, Tough Love, and Energy Audits
Coach’s Corner: Sticking Points
Episode 56: Testosterone Boosters, Sticking Points, and Bar Velocity Technology
Coach’s Corner
Episode 55: BMI, Plant-Based Protein, Stretching, and Mouthguards
How do you go about helping athletes find the best technique for themselves? (with Mike Tuchscherer)
Since you’ve coached so many world-class lifters, what are signs a lifter is nearing their ultimate limits? What do you think ultimately limits progress? (with Mike Tuchscherer)
How do you help clients that struggle with motivation, emotional decision-making, or taking responsibility for their decisions?
Can you improve your lifting technique by overexaggerating cues?
Episode 10: Coaching Cues, Fat-Free Mass Index, Non-Responders, and Dr. Brad Dieter
What are some mistakes that coaches make when working with beginners?
Episode 12: Bench Press, Intermittent Fasting, Body Composition Testing, and Dr. Grant Tinsley
Belts, Shoes, and Lifting Gear
Research Review: Cooling gloves
- Cooling during exercise enhances performances, but the cooled body areas matter: A systematic review with meta-analyses
- Effect of two recovery methods on repeated closed-handed and open-handed weight-assisted pull-ups
- Resistance exercise inter-set cooling strategy: effect on performance and muscle damage
- Palm cooling delays fatigue during high-intensity bench press exercise
- Intermittent Palm Cooling’s Impact on Resistive Exercise Performance
- Work volume and strength training responses to resistive exercise improve with periodic heat extraction from the palm
Episode 68: Cooling Gloves, Cardio Considerations, and Protein in Aging
Research Review: Technologies for measuring bar velocity
Episode 56: Testosterone Boosters, Sticking Points, and Bar Velocity Technology
Do mouthguards impact performance?
Relevant studies: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Episode 55: BMI, Plant-Based Protein, Stretching, and Mouthguards
Lifting belts
Episode 46: Season Finale: Tons of New Meta-Analyses and Q&A Catch-Up
What is your take on using chains or bands, specifically when the goal is hypertrophy?
Episode 31: Q&A: Myonuclei, Sodium Bicarbonate, Bands For Hypertrophy, and More Game Changers
Hot Off The Press (Research Roundup) – Greg’s knee sleeve hypothesis.
Episode 30: Fructose, Knee Sleeves, Weight Loss Variability, and James Krieger
What are the benefits of using weightlifting shoes (with an elevated heel) for squat and leg press?
Episode 11: Q&A: Lifting Shoes, Alcohol, and Over/Underrated Exercises
Which is better: 10mm or 13mm belt?
For an advanced lifter, is beltless training useless?
Episode 3: Q&A: Beltless Training, Leucine, and the Health Benefits of Strength
Sex Differences
SBS Article Discussion: Where are all the Female Participants in Strength, Hypertrophy, and Supplement Research?
- Where Are All The Female Participants In Strength, Hypertrophy, And Supplement Research?
- Strength And Physique Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis Master List
Episode 90: Fatigue Mechanisms, HIIT Programming, and Sex Disparities in Research
Do findings from male participants typically generalize to female participants?
Episode 90: Fatigue Mechanisms, HIIT Programming, and Sex Disparities in Research
Why more research with female participants is needed
Episode 90: Fatigue Mechanisms, HIIT Programming, and Sex Disparities in Research
The Bench Press May Target Different Muscles in Male and Female Lifters
Much of sport science studies are conducted on young males. Are there any studies/areas in particular that we have reasons to think female physiology would give different results?
Episode 66: Refeeds, Diet Breaks, Fructose, and Sodium
Most research uses men as a sample population. Do you think that the findings apply to women in equal measure?
Episode 21: Q&A: BCAAs, Mini-Cuts, Sex Differences, and First Meet Tips
How do birth control and menstrual cycle hormones affect periodization? Should I program with that in mind?
Do men and women experience the same performance effects from caffeine?
What is the gap between male research and female research in exercise science?
What are some unique challenges or social pressures that women experience in strength sports?
What are some steps that people can take to help shift attitudes and help women feel more comfortable in strength sports and other fitness communities?
What did Greg uncover doing his master’s research on sex differences in fatigue and recovery?
Episode 2: Sex Differences in Fatigue and Recovery, and Dr. Jason Cholewa
Concurrent Training and Cardio
Concurrent training and the interference effect
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
Best practices for concurrent training
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
Basic guidelines for intensity and duration (per session of cardio)
Episode 112: Cardio for Health and Weight Management
Q&A: Is there a point of diminishing returns when it comes to weight loss and walking?
- Dose-response relationship between walking and the attenuation of inherited weight
- Relationship Between Physical Activity, Body Mass Index, and Risk of Heart Failure
- A Meta-Analysis of Pedometer-Based Walking Interventions and Weight Loss
Episode 95: Restoring Motivation, Issues in Research, and Walking for Weight Loss
Research Review: Does running increase aortic stiffness in men?
- Endurance exercise may affect body’s largest artery differently in men and women
- From runner’s face to dodgy knees: Why running helps keep women young, but ages men
- Is running associated with a lower risk of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality, and is the more the better? A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Reduction in incident stroke risk with vigorous physical activity: evidence from 7.7-year follow-up of the national runners’ health study
- Running to Lower Resting Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Episode 92: Turkesterone, Carb Overfeeding, and Commonly Neglected Muscles
Coach’s Corner: HIIT programming
- High-intensity interval training for health benefits and care of cardiac diseases – The key to an efficient exercise protocol
- Endurance Training Intensity Does Not Mediate Interference to Maximal Lower-Body Strength Gain during Short-Term Concurrent Training
- Central and peripheral fatigue following non-exhaustive and exhaustive exercise of disparate metabolic demands
- Exercise-induced muscle damage following a bout of sport specific repeated sprints
Episode 90: Fatigue Mechanisms, HIIT Programming, and Sex Disparities in Research
Research Review: Sedentary Time
- Sedentary behaviour and risk of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality, and incident type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose response meta-analysis
- Sedentary time and its association with risk for disease incidence, mortality, and hospitalization in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Joint associations of accelero-meter measured physical activity and sedentary time with all-cause mortality: a harmonised meta-analysis in more than 44 000 middle-aged and older individuals
Episode 88: Sedentary Time, Mating Success, and HIIT Protocols
MET levels and physical activity
Episode 88: Sedentary Time, Mating Success, and HIIT Protocols
Exercise snacks
Episode 88: Sedentary Time, Mating Success, and HIIT Protocols
The Interference Effect is Getting Less Scary by the Day
Research Roundup: the multifaceted benefits of walking
Episode 78: Walking Benefits and Pre-Sleep Protein
Walking – general health and wellness implications
- Daily Step Count and All-Cause Mortality: A Dose-Response Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies
- The effect of walking on fitness, fatness and resting blood pressure: A meta-analysis of randomised, controlled trials
- The effect of walking intervention on blood pressure control: a systematic review
- A meta-analysis of pedometer-based walking interventions and weight loss
- Walking for depression or depressive symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Walking and primary prevention: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
- Inactivity Causes Resistance to Improvements in Metabolism After Exercise
- Is there evidence that walking groups have health benefits? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Episode 78: Walking Benefits and Pre-Sleep Protein
Sedentary time – body composition and performance implications
- Sedentary behaviours and their relationship with body composition of athletes
- Avoiding Cardio Could Be Holding You Back
Episode 78: Walking Benefits and Pre-Sleep Protein
Research Review: Revisiting concurrent training and the interference effect
Episode 74: Energy Compensation, Interference Effect, Underestimating Supplements
Is interval training better than steady state cardio for body composition purposes?
- Slow and Steady, or Hard and Fast? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Studies Comparing Body Composition Changes between Interval Training and Moderate Intensity Continuous Training
- Compatibility of Concurrent Aerobic and Strength Training for Skeletal Muscle Size and Function: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
What are your personal and professional opinions on designated bouts of low-intensity cardio at a certain percentage of maximum heart rate versus step counts? Would either option be superior to the other?
Episode 70: Reverse Dieting, Bodybuilding Mortality, and Optimizing Biomechanics
Does the Interference Effect Get Larger as Training Status Increases?
- Development of Maximal Dynamic Strength During Concurrent Resistance and Endurance Training in Untrained, Moderately Trained, and Trained Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Petré et al. (2021)
Episode 69: Partial ROM, Intra-Workout Carbs, MASS Research Roundup
Positive aspects of cardio and physical activity
- Exercise and longevity
- Compatibility of Concurrent Aerobic and Strength Training for Skeletal Muscle Size and Function: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Episode 68: Cooling Gloves, Cardio Considerations, and Protein in Aging
What do Greg and Eric’s cardio routines look like? Have they ever competed in endurance sports?
Episode 62: Energy Deficiency, Training Frequency, and Beginner Gains
Can you HIIT yourself into marathon shape?
Episode 59: Beta-Alanine, Training Frequency, and Strength for Hypertrophy
What are some indicators that one needs extra conditioning for strength and hypertrophy?
Episode 57: Caffeinated Naps, Intuitive Eating, and Q&A Catch-Up
Penalty: Reduction in Gains for Interference (with Mike Zourdos)
Episode 51: 2020’s Most Notable Research (with guests Eric Helms and Mike Zourdos)
Research Roundup – Adaptations to strength training differ between endurance-trained and untrained women
Episode 44: Caffeine Genes, Brown Adipose Tissue, Concurrent Training, and Hangovers
Advice for reducing the interference effect for recreational lifters?
Episode 37: Heart Rate Variability, Antagonist Stretching, and Chrononutrition
Can your aerobic fitness level hinder your progress in a strength training program?
Episode 31: Q&A: Myonuclei, Sodium Bicarbonate, Bands For Hypertrophy, and More Game Changers
What are the best ways to do concurrent training (i.e., combining cardio with resistance training)?
Study discussed: 1
Episode 17: Q&A: Dreamer Bulks, Concurrent Training, Recovery Modalities, and Valuing Research
Muscle Physiology
Is “Mechanical Activation of Fast-Twitch Fibers” Truly the Strongest Predictor of Hypertrophy?
Episode 98: Mechanical Tension for Hypertrophy and Strategic Food Selection
Research Review: Fatigue mechanisms
- Lactic Acid and Exercise Performance
- Peripheral fatigue: new mechanistic insights from recent technologies
- Neural Contributions to Muscle Fatigue: From the Brain to the Muscle and Back Again
- Phosphate and acidosis act synergistically to depress peak power in rat muscle fibers
Episode 90: Fatigue Mechanisms, HIIT Programming, and Sex Disparities in Research
The major challenges (and low success rates) of mechanistic speculation
Episode 90: Fatigue Mechanisms, HIIT Programming, and Sex Disparities in Research
An Update on Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy
How much can muscle fiber type vary between individuals? What factors determine or influence an individual’s fiber type distribution? How can an individual determine their approximate fiber type ratio for a given muscle, and how would this influence their approach to training?
Episode 81: Protein Scaling, Fiber Types, Artificial Sweeteners
Q&A: What is the proposed mechanism by which working muscles at longer muscle lengths produces more hypertrophy?
Episode 76: Fish Oil, Body-Fat Set Points, and Junk Volume
Are there types of muscles that are resistant to hypertrophy?
Episode 57: Caffeinated Naps, Intuitive Eating, and Q&A Catch-Up
Research Roundup – Biological factors that may limit muscle fiber growth
- Studies discussed: Myonuclear content regulates cell size with similar scaling properties in mice and humans.
- Nuclear numbers in syncytial muscle fibers promote size but limit the development of larger myonuclear domains.
Episode 53: Protein, Fish Oil, Glycogen, and What Limits Muscle Growth
Research Roundup – Modest Glycogen Depletion May Impact Lifting Performance More Than You Think
Episode 53: Protein, Fish Oil, Glycogen, and What Limits Muscle Growth
Research Roundup – Muscle Memory
Episode 52: Protein, Lactate, and Strength Phases to Boost Hypertrophy
Research Roundup – Lactate
- Articles discussed: The emerging role of lactate as a mediator of exercise-induced appetite suppression.
- Resistance to exercise-induced weight loss: compensatory behavioral adaptations.
- Potential involvement of lactate and interleukin-6 in the appetite-regulatory hormonal response to an acute exercise bout.
- Lactate as a Signaling Molecule That Regulates Exercise-Induced Adaptations.
Episode 52: Protein, Lactate, and Strength Phases to Boost Hypertrophy
The Evidence for Myonuclear Muscle Memory May be Murkier Than Commonly Believed
- Read this article for free on Stronger by Science.
- MASS article.
- Papers discussed: One, Two.
Episode 51: 2020’s Most Notable Research (with guests Eric Helms and Mike Zourdos)
When we talk about CNS fatigue, what are we actually talking about mechanistically? Is there anything we can specifically do to improve CNS recovery?
Episode 49: Protein & Kidney Function; Cholesterol & Training Adaptations
Applications and limitations of EMG research (with Jeff Nippard)
Interview with Jeff Nippard: On genetic limits, FFMI, training, and nutrition
Do you need to worry about your muscle fiber type when it comes to power and rate of force development? From a training perspective, what can be done to improve power and rate of force development? (1:10:31).
Episode 37: Heart Rate Variability, Antagonist Stretching, and Chrononutrition
Does mouthwash affect blood pressure and muscle pumps by altering nitric oxide production?
Episode 36: Antioxidants, Injury Risk Factors, and the Conjugate Method
Research Review about factors influencing muscle protein synthesis
Episode 36: Antioxidants, Injury Risk Factors, and the Conjugate Method
Questions about EMG, stemming from the recent Barbalho study.
Episode 35: Metabolic Rate, Artificial Sweeteners, Electromyography, and Non-Failure Training
Resistance Exercise-induced Changes in Muscle Phenotype Are Load Dependent.
Episode 34: Cell Swelling, Genetic Ceilings, Touch-and-Go Deadlifts, and Load-Specific Adaptations
Passive muscle tension increases in proportion to intramuscular fluid volume.
Episode 34: Cell Swelling, Genetic Ceilings, Touch-and-Go Deadlifts, and Load-Specific Adaptations
Is anyone looking into how we can increase our overall potential for muscle growth by boosting hyperplasia?
Episode 33: Doping, Collagen, Goals, and Hyperplasia
What is Greg’s take on the current state of the literature regarding the myonuclear domain theory and hypertrophy? Has he updated his position or recommendations since he published his “Grow Like a Newbie” article back in 2015?
Episode 31: Q&A: Myonuclei, Sodium Bicarbonate, Bands For Hypertrophy, and More Game Changers
Is it possible to speculate that the diminished return from ‘training too hard’ can partly be explained by the magnitude of muscle protein breakdown exceeding the maximum magnitude of muscle protein synthesis that your body can stimulate in a single training session?
Episode 29: Q&A: High Protein Diets, Hardgainers, Exercise Variety, and Bone Adaptations
How do you feel about recent opinion papers suggesting that the change in muscle size over a training career is virtually unrelated to changes in strength? (With Ben Pollack)
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, and Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
Research Roundup – Phototherapy
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, and Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
Research Roundup – Muscle Glycogen Replenishment
Episode 28: Glycogen Loading, Lower Back Pain, PowerBuilding, and Physical Culture with Ben Pollack
Why are satellite cells and myonuclei important for muscle physiology?
Episode 20: Reading Research, the Placebo Diet, Muscle Memory, and Alex Kolliari-Turner
Why do so many studies measure satellite cells instead of myonuclei?
Episode 20: Reading Research, the Placebo Diet, Muscle Memory, and Alex Kolliari-Turner
What is muscle memory?
Episode 20: Reading Research, the Placebo Diet, Muscle Memory, and Alex Kolliari-Turner
To what degree is satellite cell activation predictive of the accumulation of myonuclei? What are the mechanisms that contribute to myonuclear accretion? Are there important physiological roles of satellite cells that do not become activated?
Episode 20: Reading Research, the Placebo Diet, Muscle Memory, and Alex Kolliari-Turner
Why do muscles eventually stop growing?
Episode 20: Reading Research, the Placebo Diet, Muscle Memory, and Alex Kolliari-Turner
What are the implications of the recent news about histone lactylation linking metabolism and gene regulation?
Episode 26: Protein, Fiber, Phototherapy, and Intro to Strongman with James Deffinbaugh
What are the effects of phototherapy on exercise performance and recovery from exercise?
Episode 26: Protein, Fiber, Phototherapy, and Intro to Strongman with James Deffinbaugh
Women’s Health
Lifting during pregnancy
Episode 115: Vibration plates, lifting during pregnancy, and a new era for the SBS podcast
Responding to feedback about oral contraceptives
Episode 86: Dietary Fiber, Responses to Feedback, and Encouraging Exercise
SBS Article Discussion: Do Oral Contraceptives Affect Your Gains?
- Do Oral Contraceptives Affect Your Gains?
- Molecular markers of skeletal muscle hypertrophy following 10 wk of resistance training in oral contraceptive users and nonusers
Episode 85: Sumo Deadlifts, Procrastination, and Oral Contraceptives
Does hypothalamic amenorrhea impact hypertrophy? If eating at maintenance (or in a caloric surplus), does hypothalamic amenorrhea still have a negative impact on hypertrophy and athletic performance?
Episode 46: Season Finale: Tons of New Meta-Analyses and Q&A Catch-Up