Maximize your strength gains with a package of versatile, customizable programs.
The Stronger By Science program bundle contains six full 21-week programs designed to adapt to your schedule, your preferences, and your rate of progress.

Note: This program bundle is a renamed version of the Average to Savage 2.0 programs. If you've already purchased that product, you don't need to purchase again. Learn more about why we renamed the product here.
Autoregulated: Loads are progressed based on your performance week-to-week.
Customizable: Allows you to choose what lifts you train and how many days you train.
Adaptable: Designed to work for lifters of all skill levels – from beginners to experts.
The bundle contains 6 autoregulated programs + a program builder for creating your own training plans
Your purchase of this bundle gets you access to all this:
- SBS Strength Program: This is a 21-week program, split into three 7-week blocks. Each block increases in intensity (% of 1RM), while reps per set decrease. This program is based around completing sets until you reach a reps-in-reserve (RIR) target for each main exercise.
- SBS Strength Program Last Set RIR: This is a 21-week program, split into three 7-week blocks. Each block increases in intensity (% of 1RM), while reps per set decrease. This program is based around rating the difficulty of the final set for each main exercise you perform.
- SBS Strength Program Reps to Failure: This is a 21-week program, split into three 7-week blocks. Each block increases in intensity (% of 1RM), while reps per set decrease. This program is based around matching or beating rep targets when performing a final set to failure for each main (core and auxiliary) lift in each workout.
- SBS Hypertrophy Template: This is a 21-week program, split into three 7-week blocks. Each block increases in intensity (% of 1RM), while reps per set decrease (though not to the same extent as the strength-focused programs). This program is based around matching or beating rep targets when performing a final set to failure for each main (core and auxiliary) lift in each workout
- SBS Linear Progression: This is a program designed for relatively new lifters (or lifters returning to training after a layoff) who can realistically increase their strength on a week-to-week (or nearly week-to-week) basis. In this program, you complete a fixed number of sets and reps for each exercise, and estimate how many more reps you could have done on the last set, if you would have taken the last set to failure.
- SBS Novice Hypertrophy: This is a program designed for relatively new lifters (or lifters returning to training after a layoff) who can realistically improve their performance in the gym on a week-by-week basis. In this program, you aim to complete a fixed number of sets and reps for each exercise.
- SBS Program Builder: The program builder is the definitive version of the SBS strength program concept; its biggest strength is that it allows you to mix-and-match progression schemes that suit your fancy. This sheet also offers all of the flexibility most people would need to build an autoregulated program from scratch.
Success Stories
More than 6,000 other lifters got stronger using the first version of these programs.
These new versions improve on the original program, promising to be even better.
I am 38 years old now, well past my physical peak but still I have been able to add 75 pounds to my squat, 60 pounds to my bench, and 70 pounds to my deadlift in my short time with the program, all while maintaining a caloric deficit and losing around 20 pounds of pure body fat.
I added 20-30 pounds to each of my lifts. This happened completing one 16-week cycle of [the program]. I enjoyed the flexibility built in to the program and the ability to get each session done in about an hour.
In 16 weeks I became stronger, bigger, and more powerful than in my previous decade of lifting. The program literally catapulted me into a different level of weight training that I thought was beyond my 50 years of age.
Maximize strength and hypertrophy
without compromising flexibility
without compromising flexibility
- Loads are progressed based on your performance week-to-week. If you’re making progress quickly, the training loads will naturally increase quickly so that your progression isn’t artificially limited. If you’re a more experienced lifter who makes slower gains, this program won’t force you into a pre-set progression scheme that may be overly optimistic. In short, the program fits the training loads to your rate of gains, rather than shoehorning you into a fixed progression.
- Options for training 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, and 6x per week. Choose the number of training days that works for you and your schedule.
- Choose what main lifts and accessory lifts to focus on. Squat, bench, deadlift, and overhead press are the defaults for your main lifts, but you can easily change them if you’d like. For your accessories, the default is 2 squat accessories, 2 bench accessories, 1 deadlift accessory, and 1 overhead press accessory. Choose whatever variations of the main lifts you like
- Templates for both strength and hypertrophy. People have gotten great strength and hypertrophy results on all 6 programs, but if you'd like to focus a bit more on one of the other, you can choose a version specifically for strength or hypertrophy.
- 6 programs to choose from. Everyone who purchases the program bundle gets access to all six versions of the program. All six versions autoregulate load progressions based on your performance; they just use different mechanisms to make those adjustments.
- Easily editable and endlessly customizable. You can edit virtually any part of the program, or even change it all together. Use the program as a jumping-off point to tinker with your own training variables.
"Pay What You Want" Pricing
We're trying something different with this program.
Most people are out there hawking programs for $30-$100. We want this to be accessible to students, to people from countries with different currencies, and to people who don't normally purchase fitness products. You can get the product for as low as $10.
If you appreciate the work and have the means, though, we encourage you to pay more. Simply click and edit the price on the next page.
You may be wondering...
Why we changed the name of this program
After we released these programs – originally called "Average to Savage 2.0," a few indigenous people that follow SBS let us know that "savage" can be perceived as a racially coded derogatory term, due to its history and use during the colonial period. That's a completely fair perspective, and not one we'd previously been exposed to. The last thing we want to do is further marginalize people or make them feel unwelcome in the SBS community just to hold onto the name of a lifting program. The name change didn't affect the programs in any way, except for the titles of the spreadsheets.
How to choose a program
Based on the data we’ve gathered thus far, 1) the Reps to Failure template has tended to produce the best results for people, followed closely by the hypertrophy template, and 2) people who regularly do overwarm singles before their working sets (whether or not they use the “single @8RPE function to autoregulate their training weights for the day) have tended to make better strength gains than people who don’t. If you’re debating about which version of these programs to run, the Reps to Failure or hypertrophy template, with overwarm singles, would be our recommendation.